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Monday, May 24, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 162 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 162 Part 2

Since the three Chinese teams had arrived at San Francisco early, they were too early to check into the hotel provided by the organizer. The bosses of the three clubs had met earlier to discuss the living arrangements for the teams before the official arranged rooms were available. They had decided to reserve a whole floor at the same hotel the organizer had designated which was close to the group match location. It was for the convenience of the players and staff so they wouldn’t need to move afterwards.

-- --The Chinese teams had learned their lesson from many years of playing in world tournaments. They were afraid that if they weren’t careful enough, there could be headlines like “The players lost sleep after switching hotels that affected their performance” “Not being acclimatized influenced the performance of the players” “Unable to adjust from their jetlag, the players’ performance suffers”......

Unlike the hotel room, the training rooms reserved for the players were open for use early on. After their arrival, Tong Yao and her teammates rested for a day. Then they went to check on the training rooms-- --When they got there, they had discovered that in addition to the China region, teams from the other regions had also arrived early. Only the wild card teams from Russia and Turkey hadn’t arrived yet……

When the teams spoke about their current living arrangements, the players from the other regions were all quite envious of the Chinese players. The captain of the team from Taiwan, FZ, was also overweight. He had gotten to know the players from ZGDX quite well since they had often played skirmishes with ZGDX…… He complained to Tong Yao and her teammates that they had arrived two days early and were currently living in a place that was one and a half hour drive from the training rooms.

“It’s so hard. We have to get up so early in the morning then ride in the car for an hour and a half doing nothing.” FZ’s top and captain, game id “Pikachu”, bitterly complained: “That’s not the worst part. The worst part is that we thought if we came here early we would have a better chance to arrange skirmishes with the stronger teams, but they’re ignoring us and only playing practice matches with teams from their own region…… We’re a team in the first seeded pool, that really hurts our feelings!”

As he was talking, his eyes were looking at the three training rooms reserved for the teams from the Korean region-- --There were other people from other regions in the hallway, talking and drinking coffee. There were others who had come out to see what the only female player in the world tournament looked like when they heard that the China region had arrived…… Overall, it was quite relaxed and friendly among all the players. Only the teams from Korean region were very quiet, all of their players were sitting in the training rooms, playing training matches with their headphones on. Their coaches pacing back and forth behind them.

Tong Yao stood up on her tippy toes to take a look at the solemnity over at the Korean area: “The Koreans won’t play skirmishes with other regions?”

Pickachu: “It’s possible that they think we aren’t qualified. You can ask Xiao Rui for a try. Maybe you’ll have a different result, you’re ZGDX after all…… Anyone who has seen you guys play knows that you’re super good!”

At the time, Tong Yao didn’t think too much about Pickachu’s words. She thought the Korean teams didn’t agree to play with FZ because they probably didn’t want to expose their strategy or something……

Pichachu told Tong Yao and her teammates that his team had tried hard for a whole day before they were able to schedule about 7 or 8 skirmishes with 6 teams. Then they pestered Xiao Rui to arrange one with ZGDX as well-- --Before the end of the first round of the group match, those were all the skirmishes Team FZ would be able to play.

Xiao Rui was quite sympathetic to them.

The two Taiwaness teams left after chatting with the ZGDX players. Tong Yao was then encircled by players from other regions-- --They came over one after another to greet her. In the end, Tong Yao had exchanged greetings with almost half of her future opponents……

[You are Smiling!]

-- --Yes, I am. How are you.

[Come see, another world class “Smiling”! It’s unbelievable, such a young girl!]

-- --Haha, I’m very happy that I can bring “Smiling” back to the world stage. I’ve come to make up for Gao Xuecheng‘s regrets from that year.

[Oh oh oh, my little sister looks exactly like you, she’s 14 this year.]

-- --I’ll be 20 this year, very shortly. Thanks.

[Smiling, are you sure you’ve reached adulthood? Really? My goodness, your captain, Chessman, he’s your boyfriend? He’s absolutely committing a crime.]

-- --I’ve reached adulthood, but nonetheless, he’s still committing a crime alright.

[Hi, Smiling, I’ve watched videos of your competitions, you’re really good. There is a powerful, tough, and mighty soul inside that slender body! Look forward to meeting you face to face in the match!]

-- --Thanks, I’m also looking forward to going up against you in the match.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Okay I want to see his reaction. waiting for jealousy, thank you

  2. I have this nagging feeling that all those 4 kits are false negatives. She may have had her period but contrary to popular belief, a girl can still have her period during her first month of the first trimester. More so if it's a first pregnancy.

    1. Actually having your period while pregnant means that you have a high chance of abortion, because the layer where the baby is supposed to hold onto in tearing apart.

  3. LSC will be full mode jealousy! XD

  4. Hold on!! So LSC and TY were living on the same floor as Jian Yang. Haha... I am imagining the exchanges in the hallway.. Plus so many "male" players talking to TY, where is our captain? Hehehe
