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Saturday, May 8, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 159 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 159 Part 1

After Tong Yao went back to her room, Lu Sicheng remained on the first floor of the base like nothing had happened. The team next door came back after the stepladder match and the team’s boss was standing outside their base passing out red envelopes again. It looked like they had won the last ticket to the S6 tournament.

Lu Sicheng congratulated their neighbor in his heart.

He sat down on the couch and from time to time, peeked at the closed door upstairs. Xiao Rui noticed that he seemed to be preoccupied with something and asked him what was wrong. Lu Sicheng paused for a moment and then lazily replied: “This morning, she had a low fever when she got up. There’s no thermometer at base so I went out to buy one for her so she could check if she has a fever.”

His tone was quite normal with no flaw at all.

Xiao Rui: “Oh!”

As he was talking, Lu Sicheng couldn’t stop himself from looking at the closed door once again. After sitting there for a while longer, he realized that he would get sanpaku eyes if he kept sitting there…… After the realization, he stood up and walked over to his computer. He sat down on his chair and started to play a game.

He chose Kalista as his champion. Kalista was his best champion and the champion he had become famous for playing. The reason he chose her wasn’t to try to win or create a better line up for the team. He simply felt that it made a lot of sense to use this special champion at a special moment like this…… When he locked the champion in, he felt like a hero about to go in a life or death battle to defend his honor and he was going to play the game on a grand and spectacular scale.

However, the match wasn’t spectacular as he had expected.

-- --Because Lu Sicheng wasn’t as calm as he was showing outwardly.

It was the first time in his life that he found Summoner’s Rift to be so complicated that he got lost in it. As he stared at the screen and mechanically took the buff for the first time in the match, he looked up and found the mid in his team had already typed a series “? ? ?” in surprise. Shocked, Lu Sicheng blinked and found the circle under his champion’s feet was blue, not red.

…...As the ad of the team, he was supposed to take the red buff, not the blue buff from the poor mid.

Lu Sicheng’s lips twitched and typed “sry.” To apologize to the mid, he went to gank at mid and helped their mid to kill the enemy so the enemy’s blue buff would be passed to their mid……

But this was the only highlight of Chessman’s performance for this match. After helping his team steal the enemy blue buff, he went back to aimlessly wandering Summoner’s Rift-- --

He was absent-minded throughout the whole match, missing numerous minions. He would wander around and walk under the enemy’s turret and get hit for no reason, or walk out position and into the enemy team during team fights, or not use his ultimate when it was available. His support, Alistar, became desperate. At first he kept pinging Lu Sicheng. After noticing that there was no response from Lu Sicheng’s side. He began typing in three different languages, Chinese, English, and Korean-- --

Alistar: [What’s wrong, what’s happening? (Chinese)]

Alistar: [Is ad really Chessman! (Korean)]

Alistar: [fake Chessman?]

Alistar: [Fatty, let go of Chessman’s id. Don’t mess up your ad’s id. (Chinese)]

Alistar: [Don’t move up, don’t. (Korean)]

Alistar: [b! b!]

Alistar: [I’m going crazy.]

Alistar: [You fake Chessman! ! ! fuck! ! gg!]

Lu Sicheng never knew who this Alistar was till the end when their base was finally destroyed-- --He assumed that this person must be a professional support that was playing for a professional team in the major league who was fluent in all three languages…… Lu Sicheng checked his own stats which wasn’t any higher than the jungler in damage dealt. He laughed and said to his support who happened to walk by behind him: “I just drove a support crazy.”

Little Fatty stretched his head over and took a look at the Alistar’s id: “Gee, this id looks like the captain from next door.”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Just as Little Fatty finished, they heard Liangsheng shouting, the captain of the team next door, out in the yard: “Fuck, damn you Fatty, are you using Cheng Ge’s id to make me lose elo! Even using Kalista, you think you can become Lu Sicheng just by taking Kalista, who are you trying to fool! Walked right into the enemy during team fights! Even took the mid’s blue! It hurts my eyes!”

Little Fatt took a look at Lu Sicheng after hearing Liangsheng. Then he walked over to the window to shout back: “To hell with it! It’s Cheng Ge who’s playing as himself! He just wants to crack you so you can’t go on to S6! How’s that! Isn’t it vicious!”

The supports from both teams began shouting back and forth. Lu Sicheng stood up, pushed his chair away, and walked upstairs.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. LSC's consciousness just went AFK 😂😂😂

  2. 😂😂😂 poor LSC, he’s a mess even though he thinks he fine.

  3. I just love the relationships between this two teams.

  4. I can't stop laughing, why didn't they just add this to the movie adaptation like gee, I'd love to see Lu Sicheng go AFK

    1. Probably censorship. It means that the characters had sex for them to be preggy. Premarital sex

  5. I was laughing so hard I was in tears.
