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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 5 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 5 Part 2

Liu Mao sounded a little apologetic: “Miss Ruan, I’m sorry, I will probably have a friend with me later on.”
“A friend with you?” Ruan Yu didn’t get what he meant and thought he was going to cancel the meeting with her.

“It’s the senior partner of our law firm whom I mentioned to you before. He just happens to be back in the country now and is very interested in intellectual property issues. He wants to participate in our case.”

Ruan Yu breathed out a sigh of relief. She didn’t think it would be a big deal.

She said: “No problem.” To make Liu Mao feel more at ease, she added with a laugh: “It’s reassuring to hear that two partners in the firm want to take my case.”

“Hrm……” Liu Mao hesitated.
“Anything wrong?”
Liu Mao gave a hollow laugh: “Well, strictly speaking, he hasn’t taken the national bar examination and isn’t a lawyer in this country.”

Ruan Yu understood now why he was apologetic. He was worried that with an “unprofessional” colleague tagging along, she might feel he wasn’t sincere.
Though it did sound a bit weird, this senior partner didn’t even have a lawyer’s license in this country then was this “investor” here to have fun?

“If you do mind……”
“It’s alright.” Ruan Yu said immediately.

It was obvious that Liu Mao was in a difficult position. If he could get rid of this big shot, why would he need to be apologetic to her?
She certainly didn’t want to put him on the spot.

“Then, we’ll see you later.”
“See you later.”

Ruan Yu put on her shoes and walked out the door. Before she closed the door, she glanced at the calendar on the wall: May 11.
The date seemed very familiar to her. She tried to remember the reason why on her way to the law office.
It was the date in her diary.

When she opened her diary back in the attic of her old family house, on that page: “May 11th, sunny. Today I saw Xu Huaisong three times.”

She recalled the date on the taxi and sighed.
This day ten years ago, all she could think of was Xu Huaisong. Ten years later, today, she was busy again with a lawsuit that started because of him.
She thought she might’ve been an angel in her previous life and when she lost her wings, she fell onto Xu Huaisong so hard that she had to pay him back in this life?

Ruan Yu turned to look outside the car window while feeling sentimental until she saw the black characters on the sign “Zhikun Law Firm.”

The law firm occupied an entire building. The building had a more Scandinavian design, with a plain look.
She got off the taxi and walked to the front desk to tell the receptionist her name. Then she followed the receptionist up to the third floor.

Seeing Ruan Yu had been very quiet, the young man who led her up said with a smile: “Is this Miss Ruan’s first visit here? Our office isn’t a very serious place. You seem shy because you aren’t familiar with this place. You’ll feel better once you’ve been here a few more times.”
Ruan Yu coughed in a low voice and said quietly: “I actually don’t want to come here too many times……”

“......” Who would.

Chen Hui embarrassingly scratched his head and said: “You have a sense of humor.” When they reached the top of the stairs on the third floor, he pointed: “Go all the way to the end. It’s the room to the left. If you have any questions, just look for me. My last name is Chen, you can call me Xiao Chen.”
Ruan Yu said: “Thanks.” She walked to the room and, to be polite, knocked three times at the door.

A voice came from inside: “Please come in.” It should be Liu Mao’s voice.

Ruan Yu opened the door to go in. Liu Mao, who was sitting on the brown leather sofa, quickly got up and came to greet her with a smile: “Miss Ruan.”
Ruan Yu greeted him: “Mr. Liu.” She moved her eyes to look at the other sofa in the room. 
There was another person sitting there.

The person didn’t seem to have any intention of getting up. He was looking at some documents with his back towards her. From her angle, she could only see the back of his head.
With just one look, Ruan Yu was shocked by how familiar his back view was. It was the same queer feeling she had when she saw the date “May 11.”

The person was giving her an odd feeling just from looking at the back of his head?
Ruan Yu was perplexed. Without knowing why, the beating of her heart began to run out of control.

Translated by Team DHH at