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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 155 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 155 Part 2

ZGDX players were having a good time in their voice chat. Tong Yao gladly joked about the current situation as she farmed: “If I were sitting down there watching the match, I would have gone to the bathroom for the third time by now.”

Lu Sicheng turned to take a look at her.

After a short pause, he said: “Kidney deficiency?”[1]

Tong Yao wrinkled her nose while Little Fatty laughed: “Young people should know abstinence.”

Lu Sicheng very seriously said: “Uhm. I haven’t done anything these past few days anyway. You have to ask her what she has done.”

Tong Yao’s cheeks were burning hot. She cursed silently and annoyingly called Lu Sicheng’s full name: “A lot of people backstage are listening! Shut up!-- --Backstage people, that just now can’t go on the montage. I don’t want to receive dead mice or dead cockroaches. Besides, there are many underaged fans in the esports circle!”

Old K: “Hahahahahaha!”

Old Cat: “What are you laughing at. I can’t handle Rumble, can’t you come up and help me! If I don’t get tanky enough, who’ll shield you in team fights!”

At the 30th minute, both mids initiated a team fight. Maokai tied up the other side’s mid before he could use his ultimate to run away, then ZGDX blasted him to death. The first blood happened after 30 minutes into the match. After the kill, YQCB retreated and ZGDX didn’t give chase and instead they turned to take down their first drake.

ZGDX was temporarily in the lead with 1 kill and 800 gold, a slight lead which could be overlooked at this point in the match.

At the 35th minute, YQCB was tired of dragging the game on and changed tactics. Four of their players pushed to mid as a group to keep Tong Yao there while Rumble went to bot by himself in an attempt to push ZGDX’s inner turret at bot.

At the 36th minute, Rumble teleported to mid and all five players worked as a group to fight Baron. Old K swung by the top of Baron’s arena. The moment Baron’s health was about to hit 0, Little Fatty flashed over and headbutted the five enemies. Old K went down the arena at the same time and cast smite-- --

ZGDX successfully took down Baron!

The moment of ZGDX’s counter attack had arrived-- --

The audience all looked quite calm, unsure whether the major league teams were all really weak or this match was too splendid, both sides were taking turns being on the offensive again. It’s a turn-based game all over again.

At the 40th minute, destroy a turret.

At the 45th minute, destroy a turret, destroy a turret, kill an enemy, and destroy another turret.

At the 50th minute, destroy a turret, destroy a turret, clear out the last outer turret, attack the inhibitor turret. Ah, someone got killed. Retreat after they lost a player, be steady, be steady-- --

At the 60th minute, Tong Yao: “Dang, dang, dang, dang! Let me report the time, it’s now at the 60th minute of the game. Congratulations, this round has turned into the legendary bladder round where everyone has a full bladder…… Let’s interview our handicapped Captain Lu Sicheng: Captain, does your hand hurt?”

Lu Sicheng: “It’s alright. But if we lose this round after hanging around till this point and have to play another round, I’ll probably lose my temper.”

As he was talking, he finally saw the other side’s jungler in front of the bush he had been hiding inside for a while now. Lu Sicheng jumped out of the bush and took down the jungler while he was surprised!

Everyone: “......”

Tong Yao: “Let me translate. The captain said if we don’t win this round, everyone will die.”

Lu Sicheng: “Don’t push it. The other side’s jungler’s dead. Come get Baron.”

[1]: 肾虚 (shènxū) means kidney deficiency or a weak kidney. Apparently it’s also used to imply that someone isn’t good at sex or doesn’t have much sex.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Hahahah they'r cute. Thank you

  2. "]: 肾虚 (shènxū) significa deficiência renal ou rim fraco. Aparentemente, também é usado para sugerir que alguém não é bom em sexo ou não faz muito sexo."

    Acho que é o oposto.
    infecções do trato urinário podem surgir se há relações frequentes e intensas.
