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Friday, April 9, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 154 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 154 Part 3

Once the game started, Tong Yao heard her teammates ping at the bushes. She felt that she had suddenly become frighteningly collected-- --Playing Diana now, she no longer had any anxiety over every single little mistake. She no longer had to worry about getting a lucky chance to kill Ai Jia or trying to take advantage of any mistakes he made during the laning phase.

After choosing Diana, her mission became clear to her and that was staying alive and developing as best she could until level 6.

There were no longer any stray thoughts distracting her.

She was very steady in the laning phase, very cautious even when she was exchanging blows with the opposing mid, and avoided initiating any fights-- --She had asked Old K on her own to place wards defensively to secure her side of the lane.

…………………………...All these moves made Ai Jia rather uneasy. When Tong Yao was taking her time farming, Ai Jia was mumbling-- --

[YQCB voice channel]

Ai Jia: “Why hasn’t she come up? Shit, she ran away right after that exchange. What’s going on? Damn! This isn’t like her! Guys, something’s not right. The other side’s esports Mulan has been possessed by Lu Yue!”

YQCB’s support and captain Liangsheng: “Don’t yell, don’t yell, its giving me a headache. She took Diana, so she has to focus on developing, what else can you do?”

Ai Jia was still yelling: “She can’t. She suddenly became smarter, I can’t beat her now!”

Liangsheng was about to say what happened in the last round didn’t really prove that Ai Jia could beat her. But before he was able to say anything, he heard the team’s ad Li Junhe click his mouse, pinging the jungler to retreat. Li Junhe used Chinese to say briefly: “This round, no tower dive.”

Liangsheng gladly said: “Heard that? Even this trouble maker has enough discipline to hold himself back from tower diving-- --In comparison, Smiling picking Diana to focus on developing is far from something surprising. Stop yelling now. This round we’ll focus on farming. Try to learn from the Korean region. They usually don’t engage in fights. But once they start fighting, it’s always a fight amongst titans, profound and with substance.”

Li Junhe: “Me, Korean, with substance.”

Liangsheng: “You don’t have it. Except for you.”

Li Junhe: “......”

It was bustling at YQCB’s channel. On the other side, ZGDX players were also quite chatty and noisy since the one who threatened to pull off their tongues was no longer around-- --

[ZGDX voice channel]

Tong Yao: “Click a, q. Oh, he looks pretty annoyed that I left after my q!”

Lu Sicheng took a chance to move his camera to take a look at mid. Then he chuckled: “You didn’t get any advantage out of it. What are you so happy for?”

Tong Yao: “I’m optimistic.”

Little Fatty: “I admire that a woman’s heart is as fickle as the changing weather, changing all the time. Just an hour ago, you were pitifully facing the wall on that chair with coffee in hand deep in thought about your misdeeds in the break room. And now you’re optimistic-- --Ah, Thresh with the Blood Moon skin really looks good. After winning this round, Cheng Ge, give me money to buy this.”

Tong Yao: “Why can’t you buy it yourself?”

Little Fatty: “We’re all close to him. You already have a Maserati and won’t let me have a skin! You’ve gone too far! I slept with him for two years, why can’t I be worthy of a skin?”

Lu Sicheng: “Speak nicely and stop talking dirty.”

Little Fatty: “Ming god isn’t here. After he’s gone, I don’t know why but my desire to stop being a human being becomes especially strong.”

Old K interjected: “This round Li Junhe seems pretty quiet. It looks like he isn’t going to tower dive-- --Ah, it’s so irritating that we can’t type during the game. Otherwise I could ask him whether he’ll tower dive or not. If not, I’ll go help Old Cat at top.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Poor li junhe. He still gets roasted even with the language barrier.

    Thank you for the update!

  2. The other team is funny as well 😂

  3. Replies
    1. I am! Loved the series, and loving the novel. :D

    2. I'm here. Just watched the Cdrama. I'm here for my first read. I love it so much. 😂

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
