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Friday, April 16, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 155 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 155 Part 3

At 62nd minute and 11th second, Chessman successfully killed YQCB’s jungler Xbang. ZGDX took the chance to initiate the fight for Baron when YQCB was missing one player. They took down Baron, pushed YQCB’s inner turrets on both top and mid lanes plus the inhibitor on bot.

At 65th minute, ZGDX tried to push towards the inhibitor on top but was forced out by a wave of minions. YQCB took the chance to counter attack and caught ZGDX’s ad first, then aced ZGDX.

At the 65th minute, 30th second, YQCB moved up to ZGDX’s base, pushing all three lanes, destroying the inhibitor at mid, and took down the nexus turret at their base.

At the 66th minute, 30th second, ZGDX’s ad and mid respawned one after another. YQCB knew that the chance to wipe out the enemy base was gone and immediately retreated.

At this point, the only thing that ZGDX had left in their base was their nexus. They could lose the match at any moment if they lost a single teammate-- --

ZGDX was back into the corner once again.

It would be a fight to win or die at this moment.

At the 70th minute, after farming a wave of minions, Tong Yao dropped her mouse to quickly move her wrist around before holding on to her mouse again: “I can’t do it. Even if this is the win or lose round, even if I think of the ticket to S6, even if there’s the chance to go abroad for free-- --I’m so tired.”

Little Fatty: “Aiya, I’m also very tired. Damn, in my professional life, I can count with one hand the number of rounds that have lasted longer than 65 minutes…… Now, whoever wins the match will be winning not by skills but through will power.”

Old Cat: “No, no, no, don’t slack off, hang in there, finish this in ten minutes. I know, I can’t stand thinking that if we lost this round, we’ll have to play another one-- --After clearing this wave of minions, let’s do it, live or die. Fatty, come, sing a song first to help us get over this. One, two, three, go!”

Little Fatty: “Come ~ Be merry ~ There’s a lot of time anyway ~”

Tong Yao: “? ? ? ?”

Old Cat: “Come ~ Romance ~ There’s a lot of ignorance anyway ~”

Old K: “Come ~ Roam about ~ There’s a lot of directions anyway ~”

Lu Sicheng: “Come ~ Be affected ~ There’s a lot of sceneries anyway ~”

Tong Yao: “.............................................”

Tong Yao never knew that Team ZGDX’s fighting song would be like this. She also never thought that she would be using her ultimate to initiate a team fight amidst her teammates’ singing……

Lu Sicheng: “Ad, ad, let me insta-ki…… Go to hell, why hasn’t anyone told me the other ad has Heal?”

Little Fatty: “If we wait any longer, Ai Jia’s hourglass would be ready. Their mid’s hourglass is more terrible than Heal…… Look, Pope’s health is low, their jungler’s health’s low. Cheng Ge, go get them, ahhhhhh!”

Tong Yao threw her mouse: “I’m dead.”

Little Fatty also threw his mouse: “I’m dead too. Oh, no; oh, no, we’re going to lose. Comrades, let’s gather our stuff and get ready for the next round-- --”

Amid Little Fatty’s nagging, Lu Sicheng successfully killed the other side’s ad and jungler. YQCB had only their support, mid, and top left and all three of them were battered. The enemy mid, Ekko, had a little more health than the other two because he had been keeping his distance most of the time. Their top had already used his Guardian Angel once-- --

Lu Sicheng: “Old Cat, Old K, both of you go back a little, go back a little, try to drag on a bit longer…… Maybe we can do another fight.”

After saying so, Lu Sicheng also died.

Only Old K and Old Cat were left to resist the enemy-- --To make things worse, a large wave of minions was moving over from the enemy side, the top duo had no choice but to pull back……

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Noo, don't give up you can do it! Thank you for translating)

  2. after watching this FIYS video I can still feel my goosebumps bc. of Tong yao resurrection and pushed the base with lu sicheng hahahah!!

  3. thank you author for the wonderful novel wishing for this season 2/ next story in this series. Wishing you all the best!!

    HWAITING/ FIGHTING and Saranghae/ Wo ai ni!!
