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Monday, April 5, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 154 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 154 Part 1

During the ban & pick phase, the opposing team still banned Tong Yao’s Twisted Fate and Leblanc. Tong Yao felt like throwing her mouse. Then she heard Ming god ask behind them: “How about letting Tong Yao take Corki or Diana? Diana is good, though not that strong in this patch, she’s still a great assassin.”

Lu Sicheng heard it and a look of amazement flashed in his dark brown eyes.

He turned to take a look at Ming god, then thought it over and nodded: “Diana will do. In the early game, she can’t win against anyone and has to focus on developing. That’ll kill someone’s desire to kill by herself…… In the later game, after she's developed, she’ll return as an assassin, able to kill at random. It sounds good.”

Tong Yao was tapping her foot but didn’t say anything.

Lu Sicheng turned to give her a glance to confirm with her: “Can you play Diana? I remember you taught Lu Yue how to play her before.”

Tong Yao continued to tap her foot but still didn’t talk.

Little Fatty giggled: “She’s very angry now and thinking about how to kill Ai Jia later-- --Too bad the competition rules say that you can’t type during the competition. Otherwise, you can call him names in the chat after the match begins.”

Old Cat: “We should have let you use the paring knife for cutting fruit during break time so you can go to the neighboring break room to kill Ai Jia.”

Lu Sicheng cast a glance at Tong Yao: “With a feeble body like hers, she won’t be able to. She’ll get killed instead.”

Tong Yao finally stopped tapping her foot. She looked up to glance over Lu Sicheng who was still in the good mood to tease her: “Why can’t you help me if I can’t win against him?”

Lu Sicheng looked very calm: “Well…… Someone has to go to the police department to bail you out. If your parents go, I’m afraid they’ll break your legs. Only I can go as your fiance to save you.”

Tong Yao moved her lips, wanting to say something, but Ming god’s irritated voice sounded in the voice channel: “I’ll beg you all to act a bit normal, alright? If we win this round, we’ll push the team next door to the edge of the cliff. If we lose, then it’ll be all of you who’ll be at the edge of the cliff-- --In any case, there’s only one cliff and there’ll have to be five players to hang in there. Do you want the team next door to end up there or do you want to go yourselves?”

Everyone: “......”

Little Fatty: “They’ll go.”

Ming god: “Now you’re talking. So everyone shut up now, back to the ban & pick. Don’t discuss those irrelevant things-- --They won’t expect us to take Diana, we can wait till later to take it. Now take Kalista and Thresh first. Kalista hasn’t got banned yet this round, don’t let Pope take her.”

Old Cat and Old K who were first and second to pick helped lock in Kalista and Thresh, the bot duo. When the other side chose Ezreal and Bard, Old Cat and Old K were mumbling about changing the two champions to wear the “Blood Moon” series skins……

This series of skins for Kalista and Thresh…… how to describe it? Given the champions abilities, the appearance of their skins, and their roles, the two would match perfectly like a couple-- --

Little Fatty: “Why are you two so gay, how about you two come and play bot?”

Old Cat: “You and Cheng Ge have to be matching, at the very least either with your looks or your minds?”

Old K: “It’s impossible for them to have matching minds, so that only leaves their looks.”

Old Cat: “We can only use the skins to get matching outfits to scare the other side.”

Lu Sicheng: “You have nothing better to do.”

Tong Yao’s one hand was holding the mouse while the other one was tapping the table. She mumbled: “Gee, Diana seems to have the Blood Moon series as well? Let me see-- --Ah, she really does. Give me one, give me one. Let’s make it a trio!”

As she was talking, she had already quickly changed into Diana’s Blood Moon series skin.

Translated by Team DHH at