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Monday, March 8, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 148 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 148 Part 3

The audience was loudly cheering for ZGDX! On the stream, a bunch of “gg” showed up on the bullet comments. On Tieba there was a sudden burst of posts like-- --

[CK played quite well, but ZGDX still outplayed them.]

[ZGDX’s still stronger, look at how they work together.]

[Look at today’s CK and ZGDX, plus YQCB badly beat Red Arrow. Suddenly it feels like we can challenge the Koreans this year at S6.]

[ZGDX is invincible.]

[That teamwork, I’m stunned.]

Inside the arena, Commentator A’s excited voice overpowered the audience: [The teamwork of two first rate teams! Whether it’s CK switching from mid to fight for Baron or ZGDX’s diversion to steal resources! Brilliant! Truly brilliant! Who said this year’s major league teams aren’t good, I think they’re just fine! ! ! ! ]

For the remainder of the game, CK tried very hard to fight back. At around the 40th minute, Yang god took down Baron, making up for the one he had lost to Old K earlier and destroyed all three of ZGDX’s outer turrets, earning back 4500 gold and helping his team to survive.

At the 45th minute 30th second, in a fight for the Elder Dragon, the difference between the teams shortened. ZGDX lost two players in exchange for three of CK’s. ZGDX lost their mid and support while killing CK’s top, mid, and support. It was Old K against Yang god again. This time though Old K used Smite to take down the Elder Dragon!

At the 50th minute 11th second, ZGDX finally was able to push into CK’s base at mid.

At 52nd minute 18th second, CK’s Maokai teleported into mid lane to distract the enemy minions. His teammates took the opportunity to come out of the spring and killed ZGDX’s weakened mid, bot, and support Thresh, only their top, Gnar, and jungler, Hecarim, were able to get away. CK then counter pushed ZGDX’s base from mid.

At 55th minute 30th second, CK made a mistake, failing to retreat early enough, and ZGDX didn’t give them another chance to come back again-- --At the moment, Gnar was a little bit short of becoming Mega Gnar and CK was thinking of retreating before it happened!

ZGDX wouldn’t let them get away!

To everyone’s amazement, Tong Yao’s mid Lissandra was the first one to use flash followed by her e ability to initiate a team fight. Then she began to flank CK’s ad, Butterfly’s Sivir. At that instant, Gnar had finally turned into Mega Gnar and killed all 5 players of CK!


ZGDX moved in to destroy CK’s base and destroyed their nexus. ZGDX, as everyone had expected, moved up to the finals of the summer competition!

They had already gotten one foot into the S6 world tournament!

The moment Tong Yao pulled off her headphones, she could hear the crowd chant “Go, go, ZGDX” in her ears. Tong Yao was filled with emotion. She put down her headphones and looked around. She saw her captain whose lips were beginning to curve upwards and he had picked up his water cup to pretend to drink in order to cover up his smile-- --

Tong Yao’s brain short circuited for a moment. Before she realized what she had done, she had already grabbed the water cup from her captain, cupped her captain’s handsome but somewhat shocked face, and given him a kiss on his face!

…...The computers in front of them had blocked the view for most of the audience. Even the fans who were sitting in the front rows didn’t have a clear view of what Tong Yao had done. They only saw her suddenly bend over towards Lu Sicheng. Only a fangirl who was standing at the side of the stage taking photos saw it clearly. She screeched and her expensive single-lens reflex camera almost fell out of her shaking hands onto the ground!

Lu Sicheng lifted his hand up to wipe his face. His eyes met Tong Yao’s smiling eyes which were even brighter than the laser lights on stage. He became even more delighted than earlier and raised his hand to pat Tong Yao’s head: “That last flash to initiate the team fight, good play.”

Tong Yao’s eyes turned into crescents as she smiled.

When both teams shook hands, CK’s players looked rather sullen. Only their support Old Wang was a happy-go-lucky kind of person; he grabbed the hand of ZGDX’s equally happy-go-lucky Little Fatty and said: “You guys go for it. Get the championship, alright? You go on S6 with the championship and we’ll get to go to S6 by getting third place. It’s perfect.” 

Little Fatty laughed happily.

Lu Sicheng was walking ahead of Tong Yao. After he shook hands with Jian Yang, he turned slightly sideways to see Tong Yao who was behind him-- --Then he saw that Tong Yao didn’t even bother to give him a look but reached over to shake hands with her ex-boyfriend.

Lu Sicheng raised his eyebrows.

At the same time he heard Tong Yao say to Jian Yang with a smile: “I said we would shake hands again, see, it’s come true…… Go for the third-place match. We’ll see you at S6.”

Her tone of voice was unperturbed, a total contrast to the way she spoke to him when they shook hands during the opening match of the summer competition. The way she rooted for him seemed to be a sincere wish.

Jian Yang was a little taken aback. He looked up and saw sparkles in her eyes.

He realised that Tong Yao had really put the past behind her, what happened between them in the past wouldn’t bother her anymore…… He should have felt relieved, yet somehow he suddenly felt a little sad.

Nevertheless he smiled also, nodded, and lightly said in a hoarse voice: “Alright, see you at S6. It’s a deal.”

Translated by Team DHH at