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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 153 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 153 Part 1

Tong Yao went back to the break room and simply sat there, feeling rather down.

Her teammates were all quite attentive and her emotional state was soon discovered by the team’s support, or “nanny”, Little Fatty-- --Little Fatty stuffed the crackers in his hand into Lu Sicheng’s and turned around to ask Tong Yao: “What’s this?”

Lu Sicheng offhandedly lifted up Tong Yao’s chin and stuffed the crackers into her mouth. Then he tepidly said: “Haven’t lost enough times. Once things go against the wind, she shivers and is afraid of taking the blame. She’s scared to go on.”

Little Fatty was taken aback hearing it. But then he quickly changed his expression to indifference as if to say “oh, what’s the big deal, don’t scare me.” 

“I’m not afraid of taking the blame……” With the crackers in her mouth, Tong Yao couldn’t speak clearly. She stared at Lu Sicheng, then chewed on the crackers as if they were Lu Sicheng’s head. After swallowing the crackers, she also took a sip of the green tea latte the staff had bought for them. The latte was sweet, but it didn’t save her from feeling miserable. She couldn’t think straight: “I’m nervous. I’ve never played such an important match-- --To make matters worse, I’ve met an insidious player like Ai Jia who I can’t really handle…… I thought about this while playing the match earlier and couldn’t come up with a better solution, so I thought it might be better for Lu Yue to go on.”

As she was talking, her fingers were scratching on the edge of the paper cup she was holding in her hand. Her movement indicated that she was still fretting.

Lu Sicheng nodded: “You spoke so much. You just haven’t lost enough.”

Tong Yao rolled her eyes and collapsed back into the chair.

Lu Yue giggled as he stretched out his long legs, just like his brother’s, next to her: “What, you want me to go up by yourself? It’s better if I go on, I can hide from Ai Jia all the way till the end of the match.”

Tong Yao picked up an empty cup next to her and threw it at Lu Yue. Lu Yue dodged and asked, still snickering: “This isn’t the first time you’ve lost to YQCB-- --We’ve lost to them once during the summer season. Besides, before when you were bullied by TAT’s Ah Tai and shivered whenever you saw him, what happened next? Is this how you reconstructed your confidence?”

“That time it was just a group match that we lost to YQCB. Besides, so many things had happened afterwards, I didn’t even have the time to really savor the taste of losing. As for Ah Tai, I just keep thinking he’s also a human being so I’m not that afraid of him anymore-- --Ah, but, nowadays whenever we have skirmishes with TAT, we never won if I was on. Ahhhh, what's the use of not being afraid of him, I simply can’t beat him. What to do, I’m quite desperate too!” Tong Yao looked up to take a look at Lu Sicheng who had pulled over a chair to sit right in front of Tong Yao. He leaned back into the chair and quietly looked at her. Tong Yao hesitated for a moment before continuing: “Besides it’s the finals. I wasn’t doing well just now. I’m afraid that I can’t adjust myself in time for the next match and hold all of you back.”

Everyone in the break room all looked at each other after hearing Tong Yao.

“My friend, there are all kinds of opponents in the esport world. You think you’re the legendary professional mid Faker who had never met an opponent equal to him-- --Even Faker dies in game. In your professional life, you're bound to meet an opponent who you can’t handle. At times like this, besides trying to run away, you should learn to stay low and give the chance to carry to the other teammates.” Lu Yue pointed at Lu Sicheng’s stone face: “During a match, you have this kind of person sitting right next to you. Haven’t you ever had the urge to just sit there and wait to win the game?”

Tong Yao: “......”

She never did. All she was thinking was I’m mid, I have to carry, I can’t mess up, I can’t just do nothing, I can’t hold others back, all of those things were not allowed-- --

Before she had the chance to say something, Lu Sicheng pushed Lu Yue’s hand away with a cold face. Lu Yue took his hand back and said: “Don’t always think that you have to carry in order to win the game. You can’t carry the team your whole life-- --My brother’s right. You just haven’t lost enough. If you’ve seen enough ways to lose a match, you’ll realize that everyone has the chance to take the blame. It’ll be your turn sooner or later…… Our teammate Old Cat’s being called our team’s weak point everyday. You’re a newcomer, what are you afraid of?”

Old Cat humphed: “Yeah, just sitting there waiting for the win makes me happy.” 

Ming god raised his thumb at Lu Yue: “I’ll issue you a graduation certificate from kindergarten after we get home.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Ugggh I like lu yue so much. He's always arguing with Tong yao about the sub mid position but in an important situation like this, he knows what's right for the team and knows what to do

  2. Brother lu yue has grown up and mature... Nice encouraging words.

  3. Lu Yue had grown... Yeah, he deserved that graduation certificate from kindergarten 😂

    1. Lu Yue’s off to 2nd grade.. Hopefully he graduates from that as well 😂

  4. I don't want to be mean but tong yao acting like this in a very important game is not good for the whole team not to mention it's the finals the morale of the whole team should be high and her being like this is just not right..

    1. Agreed - Somewhat. I think Tong Yao is not supposed to be perfect like any other FL, she’s supposed to feel pressure and supposed to feel the burden of losing, winning and thousands of people staring at her while she plays. TBH, who wouldn’t feel anxiety when you’re new to a team and suddenly been put as a MVP almost every round. This huge burden is horrible for her; I think that what the story’s trying to get through is that she should shrug it off, she has teammates who also carry this burden and even her enemies. This is why I really enjoy this novel because of the realism in the leads struggles, she’s not Mary Sue who smiles faced with a problem she’s Tong Yao and she feels pressure and anxiety, yeah, she cries because she lost and yeah, she overthinks a lot of things. But that’s what being a human is about. She’ll learn how to beat those thoughts up.

    2. My dear friend, I wish real life is like that, where you don't mess up the most important time of your life and you're emotional state is always in top form, where anxiety is a no-show.
      But alas, doesn't happen for most of us

  5. Agreed! It's frustrating. Feels like all the "growth" she has gone through is just all talk and no bite under pressure.

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  8. Lu Yue is graduated finally 😄
