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Monday, March 22, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 151 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 151 Part 3

Commentator A: [Welcome to the finals of 2016 major league summer competition. Now the match will officially start with the ban & pick phase!]

Amid the passionate mood of the audience, with the announcement from the commentator, the much anticipated match was finally going to begin-- --The setup on the competition platform was different from other matches. Special background music for the ban & pick phase was playing and abstract images of the teams’ logos twisted and extended on the floor on the stage following the beat of the background music. It had pretty much upgraded this event to the same level as an Olympic game or a super sports event. The internet addicted teenagers in the audience were marveled by the sight!

Commentator A: [Now all the players are in their seats and have put on their soundproof headphones. The doors of the soundproof rooms are closed, too….. The soundproof rooms used in this final competition are well ventilated. Don’t worry, your idols won’t suffocate inside.]

Commentator B: [Alright, let’s take a look. The first thing YQCB did was to ban Leblanc which is very reasonable-- --To be fair, sometimes Smiling doesn’t take Leblanc either because she didn’t have the chance to or because ZGDX didn’t want others to see how she played her. But now it’s the finals, there’s no reason to hide it anymore. Therefore, it’s a safe move to ban it.]

Commentator A: [ZGDX just banned Kalista, the champion that made both Chessman and Pope famous. As if they were saying: Brother, let’s not play Kalista now. Save her for when we’re in the world competition to play against others.]

The audience burst into laughter.

Commentator B: [YQCB followed up by banning Twisted Fate! Hahahahahahahaha, all of Smiling’s favorites are banned. I know you’re good at using assassin type champions and I just won’t let you have them. Isn’t that so irritating!]

Commentator A: [What about the “come out and face me” she just said!]

The commentators spoke passionately.

The ban & pick phase for ZGDX was also quite noisy-- --

Tong Yao: “After banning my Leblanc, they banned my Twisted Fate as well, damn. I haven’t played Twisted Fate for so long and they still remember it! Are you sure the security is really airtight…… Lu Sicheng, it can’t be that you've been tricked by your dear friend backstage and carelessly spilled the beans. Otherwise, how could they know that I’m planning on taking Twisted Fate?”

Lu Sicheng: “They can fight their way all the way to the finals, they aren’t some dummy team. You’re good at Twisted Fate but haven’t been using it for too long. They knew you were saving it for now-- --Besides, I tricked Li Junhe last time, do you think he’s going to fall for it again?”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “Once we’re in the arena, he’s been avoiding me like I’m the plague. He probably would put a zipper on his mouth if he could.”

As he was talking, Lu Sicheng banned Karma.

Tong Yao: “You seem sad that he ignores you.”

Lu Sicheng: “I’m sad. I’m such a nice person and he was so guarded against me like I’m a thief. Heart broken.”

Ming god slapped the two chatty players with the folder in his hand: “It’s the summer season finals already, can’t you two be more serious? Is this the time to commemorate your past friendship-- --Little Fatty, ban Azir. It’s no big deal if all five of our bans are mid champions. We don’t have Lu Yue playing today anyway.”

Little Fatty said oh and banned Azir.

The other side returned the favor by banning Vladimir.

The final result was exactly like Ming god said it would be. There were five banned mid champions. To the fans and commentators who knew ZGDX well, the result wasn’t something surprising at all.

The ban & pick phase ended.

There weren’t many champions left for the mids to choose from afterwards. Old Cat took the first chance to grab Syndra for Tong Yao. On the other side, Pope and Liangsheng took Ashe and Bard. Old K took Lissandra, which the other side might choose as their mid champion, for Old Cat for top. Then, Ai Jia basically only had Ekko left for him to pick-- --

The ban & pick phase for both sides went by rather quickly.

Even the commentators were amazed at how well prepared both teams were. Both sides didn’t hesitate about which champion to pick and were clean-cut in their decisions…… It took only half the usual time to finish-- --

ZGDX’s choices: Lissandra, Elise, Syndra, Jhin, and Tahm.

YQCB’s choices: Gangplank, Gragas, Ekko, Ashe, and Bard.

The first match of a best of five of the finals of the 2016 summer competition, with ZGDX against YQCB, finally started. 

Translated by Team DHH at