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Monday, March 15, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 150 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 150 Part 1

On August 14, 2016, B group’s semi-finals ended. YQCB defeated Red Arrow 3 : 0 and qualified for the finals of the summer season-- --In the afternoon of that day, YQCB was celebrating the win as if it was the New Year. Tong Yao was playing with her cats in the front yard when she saw the next door team’s boss standing at the gate with a stack of red envelopes in hand and giving out the envelopes to the players one by one after they came down from the bus. Each envelope was quite thick; it was so thick that Tong Yao grew very envious.

“We’ve also gone on to the finals. Why does the team next door receive red envelopes and we haven’t even had a decent meal.” Tong Yao with a cat in her arms, looked next to the window at the man who was lying on the couch playing with his cell phone.

The man lying on the couch playing with his cell phone said: “Think about which scenario is more precious, the one who had the second highest grade in the class on the mid-term and now is trying to fight for first place or the one who had the lowest grade on the mid-term, almost got demoted, and now is having the chance to get second place or even first place?”

Tong Yao checked Tieba and found that the fans were all rooting for YQCB. They had become the most popular team for now. Tong Yao was envious.

“......” She looked up and happened to see the red envelope in the hands of the captain next door. It looked like it contained at least three or four thousand RMB in it. Tong Yao said without much expression on her face: “Our boss doesn’t have any esports dreams.”

The man on the couch said: “I’m your boss.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao dropped the fat cat on the tummy of the man on the couch. He hissed and his body jerked while arching upwards-- --Dabing stepped on his tummy, then sat down squarely on his flat belly.


August 15th, 2016, it was the day of the match between CK and Red Arrow to fight for third place of the season in the loser’s group. The match lasted for seven hours and every round lasted more than 50 minutes. Eventually, CK, at the last minute, amazingly turned the game around from being behind 10,000 gold and took third place of the summer season.

With this result, CK fans switched to being fans of  ZGDX. Because YQCB had a very low score in the spring season and their accumulated scores could very well be overlooked. Therefore, as long as ZGDX could get the slot to go to S6 as the champion of the summer season, then CK could get the other S6 slot by having the highest accumulated score of the year.

The night that CK won third place, many CK fans swarmed onto ZGDX’s Weibo official site and left messages rooting for ZGDX. It was quite a chaotic scene……

A fan jokingly said: [It used to be that a castle can only have one king; fans of CK and ZGDX have never coexisted with such harmony. This grand occasion of “we’re close as one family; we just want the ticket to S6 even if we have to be shameless” is truly spectacular.]

…...The finals of the summer competition had been set for August 26th, at an arena in Hangzhou.

During the eleven day break, both teams began closed door training with only a fence between them-- --Each team was on guard against the other team. The bosses of the two clubs, who were on very good terms, hadn't spent time together drinking for quite a few days. Even Dabing was forbidden to interact with the cat next door, Ah Mao, raised by Ai Jia.

“Why? Because someone could draw a map of Summoner’s Rift on the back of a cat?” Tong Yao was speechless. “You might as well build a concrete wall between the two houses. It has to be thick enough so they can’t wiretap us.”

Xiao Rui: “If it’s three months instead of 11 days from now to the finals, you’ll see that wall being built.”

Tong Yao: “We’ve been neighbors for so long and only now you begin to realize it?”

Xiao Rui: “They were just a relegation team before. Who needs to bother with a relegation team? Now it’s different. I keep having a feeling that we’ll be facing them in the finals. And what if we’ll also face them at the S6 finals?”

Tong Yao: “Don’t be so conceited. Let’s go make a post: The manager of ZGDX says bluntly: this year’s S6 finals will be a civil war within the China region. The Korean region isn't even worth mentioning.”

Little Fatty: “Very well, come to work for the publicity department tomorrow.”

Xiao Rui: “You don’t understand. It’s a man’s sixth sense.”

Xiao Rui touched his head and was deeply convinced of his own hunch. He felt his hunch was too strong to overlook and turned around to ponder whether he should contact a mason to build the wall.

Translated by Team DHH at

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