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Friday, February 26, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 146 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 146 Part 4

Li Sicheng hung around the restroom for a little longer.

After he was sure that there was no smell on him, he pulled open the door and waved at Yang god: “Go for it next round. Though we’d lost to you once in the spring competition, we aren’t planning to lose any more games this year…… Oh, right, don’t tell her about me smoking. I know you still have her WeChat.”

He then opened the door and walked out of the restroom-- --The dashing view of his back was also quite familiar to Jian Yang. It kept reminding Jian Yang the same scene from their last encounter and the ominous premonition he had at that time……

The premonition had become a reality now. Damn.

Jian Yang was left by himself in the restroom. He stared quietly at the air freshener which had been placed behind the door for about 30 seconds. Then he walked forward and forcefully slapped it into the trash can. Having seemingly vented all his anger, he pulled on his uniform and walked out of the restroom with a stone face.

When Jian Yang was walking back towards CK’s break room, he passed by ZGDX’s break room and could faintly hear the conversation inside-- --

A woman’s voice: “Lu Sicheng, damn, you’ve been smoking haven’t you?” After a few seconds of silence, a man’s voice replied: “No, you’re falsely accusing me.”......

Jian Yang paused a little, yet only for a short moment.

Then he quickened his steps as he walked away, unwilling to hear more of their conversation-- --

Time is a strange thing. The last encounter in the restroom was like a scripted scene from a drama. In a short span of half a year, the two who should have been even closer were now strangers yet the two strangers had become so intimate.

…...Jian Yang couldn’t figure out why.

Jian Yang pushed the door to the break room open. His teammates looked up and waved him over to review the stats of the last round and discuss the jungler route of the next round. Jian Yang adjusted the expression on his face and walked over to join the others. No one noticed anything different.

It was as if nothing had really happened earlier.

There was no encounter.

There was no momentary lapse of control.

…...Nothing ever happened.

Xiao Hua: “That first gank at bot, shit, Lu Sicheng was a great actor. Obviously he had already called that damn Old K down to counter gank, but he acted like he was really retreating…… Shit, why do I have the feeling that the other side’s already figured out your jungler routine, Yang god? Why don’t you come gank mid first the next round?”

Jian Yang: “If I knew that, I wouldn’t have gone to the restroom even if I held it till I exploded.”

Xiao Hua: “Hum?”

Jian Yang: “......”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I feel bad for jian yang !!poor boy

  2. I want to see the scene of Yao nagging Lu Sicheng about smoking 😭 I don’t care for Yang god!!

  3. How come Jian Yang has POV/points of view and why not Lu Lu Sicheng instead since he is the male lead of the story. This the first novel or story I've ever read that side character has it's on POV than the main character. This makes the drama much better than the novel cuz they made it right what shouldn't be in the novel. I would totally understand if little fatty, old Ka, old cat or even xiao rui's pov cuz they're part of the main characters of the team, but jian yang..not. so his character is not as important than those characters I've mentions. He's just an ex of the lead and nothing more. What's his pov better LSC or other ZGDX members?

    1. He's just an ex, yes, but if he wasn't her ex, she wouldn't have started playing and we wouldn't have this story 😅
