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Saturday, February 13, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 145 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 145 Part 1

After the quarterfinals concluded, it was decided that ZGDX would go up against CK in the semi-finals and that YQCB would go up against Red Arrow-- --Though Red Arrow was a strong team, they had missed their chance to go to the world tournament for several years now. Besides, YQCB wasn’t the same team that had played in the spring competition, nowadays they could even put some pressure on ZGDX…… Therefore, most people believed that to YQCB, Red Arrow shouldn’t be a big concern for them. They focused their discussion on the match between ZGDX and CK.

-- --In the minds of most viewers, the match between ZGDX and CK would be worth more to watch.

First, all of CK’s players had worked together more than two seasons so far and all five positions were not weak. At bot, though their ad, Butterfly, was a little less effective than Lu Sicheng, about 3 to 7, if they could pick some more powerful champions for their bot lane, they wouldn’t necessarily lose to ZGDX’s bot lane.

At mid lane, it would be Tong Yao against Xiao Hua. Both of them excelled with assassin type of champions. Xiao Hua’s champion pool wasn’t too deep. In this regard, Tong Yao, who had a wider champion pool, was in a more advantageous position.

At top lane, CK’s Come Good Luck was good at playing tank champions and handled his champions masterfully. ZGDX’s Old Cat on the other hand could play most champions and played them all quite well. He might not carry the game but ZGDX’s top would rarely crash in the game unless something like the fight Old Cat and Old K had recently happened again, where they even fought each other in game…… Sometimes, both tops would take tank champions and engage in a fight for a minute but both would still have half of their health left.

As for the junglers, in Tong Yao’s mind, she believed that Old K compared to Yang god was a 10 to 0. However, most people thought it was 5 to 5 or even 4 to 6. Yang god was more aggressive when invading the jungle……

The major league was famous for having a lot of fights in a game. The style on the China server was “to hell with mechanics, let’s fight.”

After the analysis, the fans were a little worried: If ZGDX’s duo at bot wasn’t in a good condition, was unable to suppress CK’s Butterfly and Old Wang, and their mid was the less aggressive Lu Yue, then they worried that in the first twenty minutes of the match, neither side would go across the river and there wouldn’t be any kills.

………………………………………..That didn’t sound good at all.

It wasn’t only the players that liked to get into fights, the audience of the major league games also preferred to watch fights.

In those few days when it was closer to the match, the call for Tong Yao to play the match was mounting. Lu Yue was quite indignant about it and argued with fans on stream everyday…… The night before the match, Tong Yao carried a glass of milk when walked past Lu Yue and heard him bickering with the fans on stream-- --

“It’s hard to say whether or not I’ll be in tomorrow’s game…… What do you mean that I shouldn’t? I also know how to play carry champions. Didn’t you see me play Sol last week? And you remember that Twisted Fate? The last card of the major league……”

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[? ? ? The major league’s last card? Shouldn’t it be Smiling?]

[......Steal someone’s starting position, now you want to steal her title as well? 66666 esports circle’s bitch, Lu.]

[Cheng Ge said you were forced to take Sol. How can you boast about it now?]

“So what if I steal her title? She even steals my brother, my dear brother whom I grew up with for 19 years!” Lu Yue slapped down on the desk. His voice was loud enough for the entire base to hear. “Now on the official Weibo site there’s cries for that shorty to go on to play the match. Where are my fans? ! Why don’t you go have a fight with them and insist that I’m better than that shorty? …...You just watch me get bullied by that shorty’s fans. And you still claim to be my fans, go away, all of you. I don’t believe you!”

Tong Yao: “......I don’t have fans.”

Lu Yue: “I don’t either. The mids of ZGDX don’t have fans.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao brought the milk back to her own seat. Lu Sicheng was sitting at his place looking down on some numbers. Tong Yao put the milk under Lu Sicheng’s nose. Lu Sicheng sniffed and said without looking up: “Take it away. Drink it yourself. I won’t stop you from your bright future of growing taller to 160 cm.”

Tong Yao took her hand back. Seeing Lu Sicheng was calculating something on some scratch paper, she took a sip of the milk: “What are you calculating?”

Translated by Team DHH at