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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 102 Part 5

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 102 Part 5
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Happiness had come too suddenly. Yang Yin felt like she was in a dream when she woke up the next morning. Only when she looked in the mirror and saw the crack on her lower lip which hadn’t healed overnight…… Then she began to return to reality.

She had really become his girlfriend now.

She didn’t even know how to celebrate it.

From that moment on, Yang Yin felt like she had been floating in the air. The whole world was filled with peach flower petals floating in the air. She had had the same kind of hallucination when she had accidentally eaten some poisonous mushrooms.

Shen Zemu sent a message: What are we going to do today?

Yang Yin: Don’t know, what do you want to do?

Shen Zemu: Have you done your homework?

Yang Yin: =  = 

She thought it was quite inhumane for him to ask her that at a moment like this…… All he thought about was her homework! T ^ T

But on the other hand, she did have homework to do still, which was the sad part.

Ever since Yang Yin was off work and had more time on her hand, the homework from Teacher Shen had increased, he became more demanding, and he was more strict with her as well. Therefore, it wasn’t all her fault that she hadn’t finished her assignments yet.

Yang Yin was also a person who was very demanding of herself. She thought Shen Zemu was right that she shouldn’t indulge herself in momentary pleasures, she should chase after a higher goal. She decided not to go on a date today. She would stay at home and do her homework.

Shen Zemu: I have things to take care of today. I’ll go over later.

Yang Yin: En, en. You go ahead.

The thing that Shen Zemu needed to take care of actually had something to do with Yang Yin.

He had gone online to search what girls liked. He found out that most girls seemed to like lipstick a lot. Though he couldn’t tell the difference between all the different shades of lipstick, women seemed to be able to distinguish them.

He followed the suggestion of some beauty bloggers to go to the cosmetics counter of a particular brand and asked for a particular collection of lipsticks.

The salesperson at the counter asked him which shade he wanted.

“I want all of them.”

The sales explained: “Some of the shades are out of stock.”

Shen Zemu went to three different places before he could finally buy all the shades.

He brought the gift over to Yang Yin’s place. Yang Yin had already finished her homework and was studying at the moment.

Shen Zemu put all the things he bought in front of her without saying a word.

Yang Yin opened the bag and was very moved by the gesture. For a man like Shen Zemu, she felt that it must be true love for him to be able to do all this for her.

She took out a lipstick to try it on. Afterwards, she asked Shen Zemu: “Does this look good?”


Yang Yin was a little excited and couldn’t stop herself from kissing him.

After the kiss, Shen Zemu took out another lipstick and handed it over to her: “Try this one as well.”

Yang Yin: “......”

-- --

After the new year, Yang Yin had contacted several teams to decide which team she would be working for the next season. She had asked for Shen Zemu’s opinion, but Shen Zemu told her to make the decision herself.

“Since you let me decide myself, then there’s one thing that you have to do as I say.” Yang Yin said.


“Next time, when I get the money, we’ll split it half and half. I can’t let you work so hard for nothing.”

Shen Zemu hadn’t really worried about money in his life but he knew that Yang Yin was different in this regard. The reason she wanted to make clear as to who gets what was because she had suffered from a lack of money when she was growing up. He felt for her when thinking about it.

He wouldn’t try to change her view on money. All he could do was to respect her wish. He nodded and said: “Alright.” After giving it some more thought, he added: “You’ll handle the money for me.”

“Why do you want me to handle your money?”

“Figure it out yourself.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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