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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 99 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 99 Part 3
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

A couple of days later, Shen Zemu came by the base to meet Yang Yin. He arrived a little earlier than the appointed time. When walked in the base, he saw a player who was holding a cup while walking as slow as a snail towards the office.

Shen Zemu took a look at him.

The player looked as if he had found someone who could save him and stuffed the coffee mug into Shen Zemu’s hand: “Shen Ge! Coach Yang is waiting for you!”

Shen Zemu didn’t know what was going on, but he still took the coffee and walked in the office.

Yang Yin was sitting in front of the computer watching the replay of one of the team’s games. She had turned the volume up and didn’t even turn her head when she heard someone had walked in.

Shen Zemu put down the coffee on her desk. Yang Yin still had her eyes fixed on the computer screen. She moved her shoulders and said: “Give me a massage here.”

Shen Zemu was taken aback a little, but still walked behind her to massage her shoulders as she had asked.

Yang Yin had a thin frame, making her look quite slender. Shen Zemu didn’t use much force and only lightly rubbed her bony shoulders. As he was rubbing her body, he couldn’t stop himself from remembering that confusing but erotic morning.

Yang Yin wasn’t satisfied with the rubbing: “Harder, did you forget to eat today?” She sounded a little harsh.

Shen Zemu then put in more force. After rubbing for a while, seeing Yang Yin’s body had relaxed a bit, he asked in a low voice: “Does it feel good?”

He could clearly feel the muscles on Yang Yin’s shoulders and back suddenly tense up when she heard him.

She slowly turned her head to check the hand on her shoulder. It had long and lean fingers. She also saw that clean and tidy shirt cuff. She could tell who he was just by the look of his hand.

She shrunk her shoulder: “It’s fine, it’s fine. Sit…...Why didn’t you make a sound when you came in?”

Shen Zemu sat on the chair and asked her: “What’s wrong with you?”

“We lost a game.”

“You win some, you lose some.” He comforted her.

“I know. But this loss is too depressing. They had won the first round too easily, then they started to get in over their heads and messed it all up, totally out of control.”

“Is it the problem with lineup?”

“No, it’s their attitude.” Yang Yin shook her head: “They don’t have enough competition experience. They’re all too young.”

There wasn’t a good solution to this problem. The only thing they could do was to play more competitions and get more experience.

“But on the other hand.” Yang Yin turned her body sideways and leaned against the back of her chair to look at him with a smile: “The analysis you gave me about the lineup is very good. I’ll ask the boss to see if he can give you a raise.”

Shen Zemu was about to say something, but Yang Yin continued: “I almost forgot. Here, this is for you.” She pulled out two boxes, one big and one small, from under her desk as she was talking. “This is an aroma diffuser, this is lavender essential oil, and together they will help you fall asleep. The manual will tell you how to use them.”

Shen Zemu took them without saying anything.

Yang Yin had chosen a simpler model for the diffuser since it was going to be used by a man. However, there was hardly anyone in the men’s dorm using an aroma diffuser. Once Shen Zemu had everything set up and put in the lavender oil, the sweet fragrance filled the dorm room.

Waiwai sniffed and sighed: “Shen Zemu, you’re getting more and more feminine.”

The lavender essential oil seemed quite effective; Shen Zemu’s three roommates all fell soundly asleep.

Shen Zemu, however, laid on his bed with his eyes wide open amidst the faint fragrance of lavender for quite a while.

Translated by Team DHH at

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