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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 99 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 99 Part 2
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Yang Yin took a look at Shen Zemu. He was drinking his lemonade, looking rather at ease with himself. Yang Yin felt that it was impossible to ask Shen Zemu to leave at this point. She turned to tell the tutor: “I happen to be busy later, why don’t we just end it here?”

After sending the tutor away, Yang Yin carefully checked the expression on Shen Zemu’s face and asked him: “Shen Zemu, are you angry about something?”

“No, why would I be angry?”

Yang Yin secretly breathed out a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn’t angry. She gathered her books while asking him: “Why would you pass by here?”

“Getting some equipment.” Shen Zemu answered while holding down her arm.

His hand was forceful and Yang Yin couldn’t move. She looked at his clean and tidy cuff.

Shen Zemu asked: “What else don’t you understand?”

Yang Yin didn’t quite get what he meant: “Hrm?”

“I’ll go over with you.” He said.

Yang Yin was touched. She reopened her books and pointed out the questions she had marked.

Actually, for the most part, it wasn’t that Yang Yin couldn’t understand what she was reading. Her problem was that she had a weak foundation but tended to overthink the problems at times. She was a good student in her junior high years, but that was a long time ago and she had forgotten quite a bit of basic knowledge. 

Shen Zemu’s explanation was brief and to the point. He deliberately slowed down when he spoke and would earnestly look into Yang Yin’s eyes as he asked her: “Do you understand?”

At first, Yang Yin would go blank when he fixed his eyes on her.

He thought Yang Yin didn’t get it and would patiently go over the problem once again.

Yang Yin was a bit embarrassed. She touched her face and secretly told herself to be calm, be calm……

She avoided meeting his eyes directly and looked down at the book to listen carefully. Gradually, she could concentrate on the problems.

After he finished explaining all the problems, Shen Zemu even gave her some more problems to work on.

Yang Yin said: “Thank you.”

Shen Zemu asked: “Why did you hire a tutor?”

Yang Yin understood what he meant. He was asking her why she would need to hire someone else to help when he could help her right there. In fact, it was true that she could ask him to help her since they had been working together for a while now. Shen Zemu, as her data analyst, would often meet with her or call her. She indeed didn’t need to spend the extra money to hire a tutor for herself.

What Yang Yin couldn’t tell him was that she didn’t want to show her weakness in front of someone she liked.

“I’m afraid that you’re too busy for it.” Yang Yin randomly found an excuse.

Shen Zemu told her straightforwardly: “I’m not busy.”

“Hum, then……” She couldn’t think of any reason to turn him down and had no choice but to say: “Then, I’ll trouble you from now on.”


Translated by Team DHH at

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