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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 100 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 100 Part 3
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

“Boss, you’re drunk.” Yang Yin shook her head. “I’ll get someone to take you home.”

“I’m not drunk. I like you, Yang Yin. Do you like me?”

When Deng Wenbo spoke, his eyebrows and eyes drooped and he gave Yang Yin a wary look. Yang Yin couldn’t help but be reminded of the term ‘pitiful.’

“I don’t like you.” Yang Yin cruelly and cold-heartedly turned him down.


Yang Yin felt that she had to make herself clear on this matter: “Boss, you can’t offer me what I want; we aren’t the same kind of people.”

Deng Wenbo pressed on: “Then, can Shen Zemu?”

Yang Yin was taken aback a bit, then frustratedly answered: “Actually, to me, the point isn’t what he can offer me, but rather what I can offer him. Boss, I’ll be frank with you, I just like him, I’m willing to give him whatever he wants-- --as long as I have it.”

Deng Wenbo was intensely made aware of what the words differential treatment meant and felt his heart was about to be broken.

-- --

Deng Wenbo left the nightclub on his own. When Yang Yin returned to the private room, Shen Zemu’s eyes kept following her.

Yang Yin thought it was because he was worried about her and said to him: “Boss already left. He had too much to drink today, don’t mind him.”

Shen Zemu moved his eyes away and replied: “En.”

The group stayed there till after 10 pm. When they came out of the night club, they discovered that it was raining outside. The rain in the autumn was fine and cold, chilly and damp. Yang Yin pulled her clothes closer to her body and asked Shen Zemu: “How are you going to go back?”

“I’ll go back with you.” Shen Zemu pursed the corner of his mouth: “There’s nothing to do at school. I’ll go watch you do homework.”

Yang Yin thought she had never seen a more responsible teacher.

The group took two taxis back to the base. Yang Yin let all the players go to sleep and locked herself and Shen Zemu inside the office.

She started to do her homework.

Yang Yin was actually quite exhausted by now. Her team had played a game that day and then she went to the karaoke party, while also having to deal with her boss’s emotional issues. The whole day had been tiring both physically and mentally for her. When she ran into a harder problem in her homework, she rested her head on the table to think but ended up falling asleep.

Shen Zemu picked her up and put her back in her bedroom.

When he put her down on her bed, she mumbled: “Shen Zemu.” Her voice was a bit murky.

Shen Zemu thought she had woken up and answered her.

Yet Yang Yin turned to the other side and continued to sleep.

Shen Zemu pulled the blanket over her. Then he sat next to the bed to look at her. After a while, he suddenly reached over and lightly touched her cheek.

Yang Yin had fine facial features and the contour of her face was quite gentle. Her build would give others the misconception that she was frail, like the petals of a small white flower trembling in the wind, ready to fall at any moment.

But in reality, her character was the total opposite of that. She was more like grass, tenaciously putting down her roots, persistently growing no matter what the weather condition was.

“Aren’t you tired?” Shen Zemu asked in a light voice. He didn’t seem to expect an answer from her. Instead, he carefully touched her eyebrows, eyes, tip of nose, and lips with the tips of his fingers.

Her lips were quite soft. The tip of his index finger stopped on her lips and lightly pressed down on it, not knowing whether he did it intentionally or by accident.

Yang Yin, still asleep, licked her lips subconsciously and found the finger on her lips. She curled her tongue and pulled the finger into her mouth.

Shen Zemu was caught off guard, his finger was trapped inside her warm, wet mouth. He could feel something warm and moist wrapped around his finger. His heart skipped a beat. Yang Yin sucked on his finger and seemed dissatisfied with the taste. Her agile tongue then pushed the finger out of her mouth.


Shen Zemu left Yang Yin’s room with a red face.

He felt that he needed to calm down. He went outside and stood on the porch watching the rain. Under the street light, the rain seemed fine and closely woven, like morning fog or light dust. The light blended in the rain, looking blurred yet warm.

He leaned against the door with his hands in his pockets, looking at the light and the rain. After a while, he suddenly laughed.

A lonely man.

When you walk by yourself, you have to remember that, in a lonely night with hazy rain, there would always be a lamp that was lit for you.

Translated by Team DHH at

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