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Monday, December 14, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 134 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 134 Part 1

Tong Yao checked Tieba after messaging Lu Sicheng-- --There were some similar comments on Tieba as well, but not as many. Most of the comments were savagely refuted right after they were posted. It was quite normal on Tieba since its environment wasn’t friendly to all those fangirls who “felt sorry for the players”.

Any comment that appeared saying “feeling sorry for Cheng Ge. Smiling was making a fuss out of nothing. Is she expecting the whole world would praise her for being a wise queen” would receive several dozens of replies. Some of the fans sneered “feeling sorry? Fucking hell, you’re a retard, why did your mom bring you into the world”, while some Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng fans tried to reason with those haters……

Smiling fan: [What did Smiling do wrong, all she did was for the good of the team. You’re feeling sorry for a grown man apologizing, why aren’t you feeling sorry for Smiling who’s being trolled by all of you and who you’re all trying to force to make an apology?]

Chessman fan: [I’ve followed Chessman from his Korean region days. Please listen to me. Listen to me, those who don’t know who they are following, please keep your mouths shut.

Please keep your mouths shut even if you don’t understand why.

I’m bitterly disappointed looking at all of you.

The reputation of esports fangirls is undermined by all you crazy people.]

The outside world looked like it was in a mess.

Tong Yao put down her cell phone as if it was a bomb. She couldn’t tell exactly how she felt when she put down the phone. She wiped off the cold sweat from her palms on the blanket-- --Right at the time, her door opened from the outside. Lu Sicheng walked right in and strode towards her bed. He stopped in front of Tong Yao who was sitting in bed, confused. Lu Sicheng was quiet for a moment, then asked: “I’ll go make a clarification and let them all shut up?”

“......You didn’t knock again.”

“What else have they said?”

“I told you to knock before coming in, what if I’m changing-- --”

“Don’t go out on your own these days. Let me know if you need to go to the supermarket. I’ll go pick things up for you, or let me go with you.”


Tong Yao stopped talking and fixed her eyes on the man in front of her bed who looked quite serious. She thought for a moment, then chuckled. She opened her arms and looked up at the man…… She moved her arms up and down when there was no response from Lu Sicheng-- --Finally, the man sighed and bent over to pick Tong Yao up into his arms.

Tong Yao huddled in his arms, resting her head comfortably on his shoulder. She could smell the scent of soap around his neck…… She acted like a dog, earnestly sniffing for a while. A short time later, she felt the arms around her waist seemed to tighten, as if the man was a little uneasy. She then stopped.

“Lu Sicheng.”


“......How about yourself, do you feel sorry for yourself? Do you regret it?”

Tong Yao’s voice was low and she tried to keep her voice relaxed and teasing. But by listening carefully, Lu Sicheng could tell she was seriously asking those questions-- --

Lu Sicheng listened to the uncertainty in her voice and was quiet for a long time. It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to reply nor because he didn’t want to give a response. He was quiet because he was completely immersed in his own thoughts. In his twenty some years of life, he seemed never to have faced a situation like this.

It came without any warning, but it was frightening.

It was the first time that he had felt an incident develop out of his control. He felt like he was a stone cast into the chilling bottom of a lake; without the ability to escape, yet he had to face it-- --

He was frightened at what he might lose if he couldn’t handle it well.

“The thing I regret the most is that I haven’t protected you well. With just one slip of the tongue, I’ve pushed you in front of a storm.” His voice was hoarse, without much emotion; he simply tightened his hold on the person in his arms: “I should’ve known things will turn this way. I’ve been in this circle for so many years, I’ve seen a lot of things and can handle everything well. Yet in the end, with the thing about you……”

Tong Yao didn’t expect her questions due to her uneasiness would bring about this kind of reaction from him. She was somewhat taken aback, then the corners of her eyes softened…… She put her chin on his shoulder and, with a frustrated and caring look on her face, patted his head: “I’m alright, just asking. What are you so uptight about……”

Before she could finish, Lu Sicheng carefully kissed her.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Yay I'm first hehehehe thanks for the chap

  2. They are such a power couple. They've only dated recently and normally many would have broken up from the pressure but they still are staying strong. I love it so much!

    1. Bickering couples do stick together quite well!

  3. nnnnnng, the character growth and maturity between the couple is making me swoon more than Chessman makes Smiling swoon
