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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 97 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 97 Part 1 
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

The next morning, Yang Yin went out to go to class and saw Shen Zemu again at the same location with the same posture. The difference was that he was wearing light colored shorts today which made the hair on his tummy even more conspicuous.

They looked at each other across the window, one on the second floor while the other was downstairs. His body was in such a good shape that Yang Yin thought it was a gift from heaven for her to enjoy. She took a few more glances at him since it wouldn’t cost her anything.

After class, she came back with a bouquet of fresh flowers in the basket on her bicycle.

“Who sent you flowers?”

“I bought it myself.” Yang Yin put the flowers into a vase.

She thought Shen Zemu would ask her about yesterday, about her exam, about his notes.

Yet for the whole day, he didn’t mention a single word about it, as if he had forgotten about it.

Yang Yin was a little surprised, but then she thought this was indeed how Shen Zemu would react.

A few days later, Yang Yin kept her promise and bought him a bottle of cologne. She swung the bag with the cologne in it to Shen Zemu.

Shen Zemu looked at the bag and asked Yang Yin: “Why did your boss give you perfume?”

“He’s probably trying to woo me.”

Shen Zemu had one of his hands on the bag, but quietly fixed his eyes on her.

Yang Yin felt like she had dug a hole for herself. If the boss gave her perfume to woo her, then what was she up to by giving Shen Zemu a bottle of cologne? Was she also trying to woo him?

She was embarrassed, covered her mouth with her hand, and coughed to say: “You, you, don’t misunderstand…… Nevermind, then just give it back to me.” She reached over trying to get the bag back as she spoke.

Shen Zemu held onto the bag and lightly pulled back, Yang Yin’s hand missed it.

“There’s no misunderstanding.” He said.

The following day, the players somehow got the news that Coach Yang had given Data Analyst Shen a gift.

One of the players said to Yang Yin: “ Coach Yang, we want gifts too.”

Ever since Shen Zemu moved in, Coach Yang had become more and more feminine, more and more mild tempered. The players felt much more at ease around her and had the courage to ask for gifts now.

Yang Yin asked: “What do you want?”

“We’ve been training so hard, aren’t you going to give us some reward, Coach Yang?”

“Sure, I’ll give you some.”

At noon time, Yang Yin bought a large watermelon. The watermelon was so large that it was difficult to cut it with a normal paring knife. Yang Yin went to the kitchen to fetch a black iron cleaver to cut the melon up. She cut it into pieces for the players to eat.

That was the reward from Coach Yang.

The players were all very quiet while eating the watermelon, like a herd of terrified little lambs.

After eating the watermelon, one player whispered to Shen Zemu: “Coach Yang’s only nice to you.”

-- --

A few days later, Shen Zemu put a cardboard box on Yang Yin’s desk.

The box was from a delivery service with the shipping label still on it. Yang Yin was curious. She took a look at the information on the label. It had been sent from Juyuan City and the recipient was Shen Zemu.

Shen Zemu was from Juyuan City.

“What’s this?” Yang Yin pointed at the box and asked.

“It’s for you.”

“But the recipient is you.”

“En. It’s for you.”

“So mysterious.” Yang Yin found scissors to open the box.

The box was wrapped very well and was even wrapped with a waterproof layer. She could tell that the person who prepared the box had been very careful with it. Yang Yin asked while opening it: “Is this from your family?”


She peeled off the waterproof plastic and saw stacks of used books and notebooks lined inside the box.

Translated by Team DHH at

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