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Saturday, November 7, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 126 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 126 Part 2

Li Junhe thought for a moment before answering the question. He talked quite a while in Korean with a smile the entire time. After he finished, he thought of something else and added a few more sentences at the end.

The translator took a glance at him and smiled, then started to translate: “I didn’t say anything special, but just felt that it’s not easy for a girl to play well like her-- -- Our mid had a hard time in all three matches during the laning phase. Our jungler couldn’t catch her either. She plays Taliyah quite well, I have never seen her use it before. The second match’s lineup was also quite shocking to us. I heard it was the result of a certain skirmish…… She’s a very diligent young lady.”

The host asked Li Junhe about the differences between the Chinese Region and Korean Region. Li Junhe said that the gap wasn’t as big as everyone had thought. Especially after the Xu Tailun incident, all the Korean players in China had readjusted their mentality by now and they had rekindled their passion and training intensity like they used to have back when they were playing in the Korean region……

Tong Yao didn’t get to hear what Li Junhe said afterwards.

After hearing what Li Junhe said about her, Lu Sicheng had forcefully dragged her off the stage.

Tong Yao: “Let’s hear some more. He seems to be praising me.”

Lu Sicheng: “Don’t flatter yourself.”

Tong Yao: “Hear some more.”

Lu Sicheng: “You were like half dead just now and were revived by watching another man being interviewed? Not going to let you listen, not going to let you watch.”

Tong Yao: “It wasn’t me who was watching Li Junhe with brightened eyes in the beginning.”

Lu Sicheng: “Then who was it?”

Tong Yao: “......”

Back in the breakroom, everyone, except Old Cat, seemed to be able to keep calm. Old Cat was feeling down because it was more or less his fault for their defeat in the two rounds they had lost. The others though had at first been somewhat at a loss when they lost the match, but they had all quickly adjusted their mood-- -- This was only one of the group matches, the result wouldn’t change ZGDX’s ranking in the A group.

The point was that they all knew why they lost.

-- --It was just like what Pope had said, their execution.

They didn’t immediately follow orders very well, on the contrary, they sometimes hesitated even just for an instant but it cost them the game…… This was probably the only problem with a strong team where everyone of the 5 players could become the carry of a game: It wasn’t that they didn’t trust their own teammates, but they were all too confident in themselves. Since every position was strong, everyone had their own stubborn ideas and unique understanding of the game.

It was like when Old Cat and Old K were fighting, Old Cat thought that with top carrying the game, they could win the game, therefore Old K had to come to help him. As for Old K, he thought that if the enemy was using their full force to get Old Cat on top then they would be behind in other areas, therefore what he needed to do was try to catch up on his economy and the team could still win by developing enough.

-- --That was a variance in opinions.

The defeat had exposed the problem with the team, making the loss quite worthwhile. It wasn’t too late for the team to make adjustments.

At least that was what Lu Sicheng was thinking. When he stepped onto the bus, he glanced over all the other teammates who had already sat down in the bus. His imposing look made everyone shiver though it was at the peak of summer-- --

Lu Sicheng thought to himself that in the future whoever didn’t follow orders, he would hang the person up and give him a good beating. He would ask to borrow the hanging rope plus a feather duster from next door’s captain. He was quite happy with his own thoughts.

After the bus started moving, Old Cat leaned against Old K, yawned, and quickly fell asleep since he hadn’t slept well last night.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Old K and Old Cat made up? Celebrating!!! *Throwing flowers* 🌸🌸🌸 it's okay if they didn't win. It's not like it's the end of the world. The people are really toxic with their judgements just because they failed. Along the road, people will have to fail to learn.

  2. Chessman has been waiting for this loss so he can whip this bunch back into shape and obedience. Also like the name smiling, good thing it was easy to cheer her up with a little help from pope.

    1. I get the feeling bet was expecting them to lose so he can whip them back into better shape ahahahah

  3. “They didn’t immediately follow orders very well, on the contrary, they sometimes hesitated even just for an instant but it cost them the game…..”
    I noticed this as well and said it in my last comment. They really need to treat their Captain’s instructions with more respect otherwise their coordination will always be off.

    1. Yeah I noticed your comment last time when I was reading this I remembered youπŸ˜ƒ

  4. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  5. Soo happy that the two cats made up πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

  6. "You were like half dead just now and were revived by watching another man being interviewed?"
    “It wasn’t me who was watching Li Junhe with brightened eyes in the beginning.”
    There two...πŸ˜πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ₯°πŸ₯° Jealous Cuties... Need more interactions of these two with Li Junhe..
