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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 125 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 125 Part 3

“Cheng Ge, are you alright?” Tong Yao asked.

“No, my hand hurts badly.” She heard his low voice. Before she could feel sorry for him, she heard him asking: “I’ll go afk a while, can you guys win a 4 against 5?”

Tong Yao: “......”

“I’ll hang you up on the sign outside our base, alright?” Little Fatty asked: “We worked so hard to make you into an ad with 6 super items so you can carry the game. Now you tell me you’re going afk.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng chuckled, let go of the mouse and keyboard to move around his wrist, then went back to them again: “The match won’t last long. We can finish the game by starting a team fight within ten minutes. Everyone keep your focus. Old Cat, what’s your cooldown on teleport?”

Old Cat: “5 seconds. Ultimate’s ready too, can initiate in a bit.”

Old K: “They’ve gone to Baron.”

-- --At the 65th minute 30th second, YQCB started attacking Baron. Since it was the late game, everyone could deal a large amount of damage, Baron was quickly losing its health.
-- --At the 65th minute 33rd second, ZGDX arrived at Baron’s arena and Little Fatty placed a ward in the arena. Tong Yao’s Taliyah built a wall to trap the enemy inside the arena. Old Cat teleported to the top of the ward placed by Little Fatty and Rumble used his ultimate to blast everyone, roasting YQCB inside.

-- --At 65th minute 38th second, Old K, who went into the arena first, tried to grab Baron from YQCB but they concentrated their fire on him. He took Pope with him before he died and had also beaten the enemy’s support to within an inch of his life. YQCB’s jungler, xbang, took the opportunity to use Smite to take down Baron.

-- --At the 66th minute 1st second, both sides traded abilities. Finally, there was only Old Cat and Tong Yao left in the Baron arena with the enemy’s top, MaoKai. MaoKai was quite tanky and flashed out of Baron’s arena. Tong Yao and Old Cat also flashed after MaoKai. They fought all the way from Baron’s arena to the outskirts of YQCB’s base before they were able to kill MaoKai.

At this moment, ZGDX’s wave of minions had moved up. Everyone thought that YQCB would be finished soon, but no one noticed that Pope, who had died the earliest during the team fight, was about to be revived.

Tong Yao anxiously fixed her eyes on Pope’s respawn timer while trying frantically to take down the second nexus turret at YQCB’s base. She wished that she had eight hands.

“Time to go, you can’t take it down.” The voice of Lu Sicheng sounded in her ears.

Tong Yao had intended to retreat after taking down the first outer turret, but Old Cat wanted to try a little longer. The hesitation delayed them for a second and at the very moment they took the nexus turret, Pope also revived-- --

Tong Yao signaled her teammates to run.

But it was already too late. Pope chased after them with full health. He killed Old Cat first, then chased Tong Yao all the way to the river at mid, then flashed to kill her who at this point didn’t have any available abilities or much health left!

The players revived one after another. But ZGDX’s players all died later than YQCB’s players, therefore they would revive later than YQCB. When YQCB’s players, led by Pope, were pushing ZGDX’s base, ZGDX had only three players alive and couldn’t resist YQCB’s attack. Finally, amidst the shouting and rooting of the audience, YQCB took down ZGDX’s inhibitor!

With a loud bang, ZGDX’s nexus exploded. Then the background music for the end of the game also sounded in everyone’s headphones.

YQCB’s support took off his earphones and went directly to hug the team’s ad.

The audience, despite there being two different fan camps, all cheered and applauded continuously. They were glad that they could be present to watch such a brilliant match-- --

When YQCB’s players walked over to the ZGDX side to shake hands. ZGDX’s players all stood up to amicably shake hands, hug, and pat each other on the shoulder. When Lu Sicheng and Pope shook hands, though the looks in their eyes were rather complicated, they did show that they cherished each other’s existence……

Li Junhe spoke with his awkward Chinese: “Next time, I’ll come over to shake your hand again.”

Lu Sicheng curved the corners of his lips upwards: “At the final of the Summer competition? Then you better move fast and put your mouse away. I’ll go get the cup and take the picture, then come back to shake hands with you. Don’t fall behind.”

Li Junhe laughed and hugged Lu Sicheng.

Then Li Junhe moved to shake hands with ZGDX’s short mid. When their hands met, he felt her palm was a little damp. He subconsciously turned to take a look at Lu Sicheng and gave him a kick. Then he turned back to politely praise Tong Yao: “You played well. It’s amazing to see a girl play like that.”

Tong Yao pressed her lips together. Because she was distracted, she didn’t notice Pope’s petty action with Lu Sicheng, nor did she show any joy from being praised by a top player of the league. She only nodded and replied with a low voice: “Thanks.”

After shaking hands, Tong Yao sat back down in her chair with a stone face.

From her direction, she could see the five players of YQCB walk over to the front of the stage under the spotlights. They bowed to the audience with their back towards Tong Yao and her teammates-- --

The spotlights formed circles of halos behind the YQCB players.

They were so bright.

They were so dazzling.

Tong Yao slightly squinted her eyes. She suddenly remembered that this was the first time she had watched her opponents from this direction-- --It was today that ZGDX had met their team’s first defeat since the beginning of this competition.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. ZGDX definitely have a few things to learn, one of which is taking heed of their captain’s instructions. Old Cat and TY hesitated when LS instructed them to leave and it cost the team.

  2. Pope showing genuine concern for his buddy's girlfriend - how touching

    1. Yup hierophant (pope) is friendly to her
      In drama he told Tong Yao to take care of Lu si Cheng😄

  3. Pope kicking LSC and praising TY.. ahhh I love their friendshipp
