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Monday, November 23, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 129 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 129 Part 3

Tong Yao blushed and hurriedly tried to sit up. But Lu Sicheng pressed down on her shoulder with more force, she couldn’t move in his arms-- --Tong Yao slightly trembled from nervousness and the restless big hand which was moving towards the front. When the big hand was pasted on her ribs, Tong Yao abruptly shivered.

“Continue.” Lu Sicheng’s low voice sounded next to her ear.

“......Continue, continue what. I was speechless at the time. I felt like an accessory to a tyrant. But I couldn’t just say, yeah, you’re right, good point!” Tong Yao relentlessly said with a red face: “I had to shield you to cover your shortcoming. What else could I do? I could only tough it out by saying to him: wait till you can move up to the A team……”

When Tong Yao finished, she could feel the restless big hand suddenly stop.

Right afterwards, the head which was pressed down on her shoulder started to move. Then Lu Sicheng started to laugh-- --His hand slid down to hold her waist. He was holding her tightly like she was something precious and his kisses began landing on her neck and shoulder……

Lu Sicheng couldn’t stop laughing.

Just as Tong Yao was wondering whether Lu Sicheng had gone mad from being too angry and was getting ready to throw her out of the second floor window, Lu Sicheng abruptly released his hold a little-- --She looked up into his eyes. Under the light, those dark brown pupils didn’t seem to show any annoyance, there weren’t an ounce of flippancy or disdain either.

Only his lips were slightly curving upwards. He lowered his head to give her a kiss on her forehead.

“Well said. Come to think of it, indeed, I do have some problems myself.”


“I won’t be like that next time.” His kisses landed on Tong Yao’s slightly stiff lips that were too shocked to hear his admission: “If there’s any problem, you should speak up. I’m not going to eat you guys.”


Tong Yao thought: Just a minute ago, I truly believed you would not only eat people but was also very good at it.


That night, when Little Fatty and the others came back to the base just before curfew. They opened the front door and saw their captain and mid standing in the living room while Xiao Rui and the others sat on the couch with serious looks on their faces.

The atmosphere inside was quite frightening.

Little Fatty took a glance at Tong Yao, Tong Yao pushed Lu Sicheng from behind. Lu Sicheng staggered two small steps forward from the push-- --Little Fatty was about to change into his slippers but was so frightened that he stepped back and collided with Lu Yue who was standing behind him.

Lu Yue took a look over Little Fatty’s shoulder at the stone faced Lu Sicheng, then another look at the uneasy Tong Yao behind him-- --Based upon the atmosphere in the living room, he thought it through a bit, frowned, and earnestly asked: “Shorty, you got pregnant?”

Everyone: “......”

The water in Xiao Rui’s mouth splashed out all over Ming god’ face who was sitting next to him.

Tong Yao’s face changed from anxious, to dumbfounded, to shock, to flushed, then back to being dumbfounded. She finally couldn’t take it anymore, she lifted up her leg and kicked the calf of the man in front of her-- --

Lu Sicheng screeched a little and turned to take a look at Tong Yao. Tong Yao simply fixed her eyes on him-- --Finally, he seemed unable at holding his stone face anymore and a frustrated expression showed on his face. Lu Sicheng turned around to face the people standing at the doorway unable to move a muscle and waved his hand at them: “Today, during the ban & pick phase, it was my fault not banning Sivir and for taking Ashe. My ego was a bit inflated and self-indulgent. I’m sorry about that. In the games in the future, you don’t have to be so indulgent with me. If there’s anything wrong, just speak up. I’ll make changes.”

After Lu Sicheng finished, the whole base was silent for a few seconds.

There were 7 confused faces at the doorway.

Little Fatty even backed out of the base to check the street number on the door. Then he touched his head and thought: Could it be possible that he had returned to a fake base and met a fake captain?

As everyone was confused about what had happened, only Tong Yao who was standing at the very back breathed out a sigh of relief. She subconsciously looked up at the second floor. Leaning against the second floor railing, the B team AD was watching everything that had happened downstairs.

When Dubhe’s eyes met Tong Yao’s, he raised his eyebrows and cynically pointed at the cell phone in his hand: Tong Yao could barely make out Tieba on the phone.

Tong Yao slightly frowned. She could vaguely guess that the issue with today’s game wasn’t going to blow over that easily. 

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. this lil piece of 🤬🤬🤬


  2. Dubhe made a valid point, which I agree...but he's also a chuuni asshole so Dubhe I hope you learn your lesson real soon

    1. TY was the one that said he was cheating which made Lu change his mind so it is like 80% her fault

  3. Hm....xan we get a side story or new season with dubhe? I think he is quite interesting

    1. I agree - not to far ahead the B team gets totally forgotten about

  4. Lu Yue: Shorty, you got pregnant?
    😂😂😂😂 Wtf lil bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. DUDE. HE OWNS THE COMPANY DUBHE WORKS IN. HIS COMPANY GIVES DUBHE SOMEWHERE TO LIVE AND PAYS DUBHE A TON OF MONEY. and TY was the one that said that he was cheating which made him choose another character. AND she was the one that interrupted him when he was gonna fix the problem even though he has been doing it for years.
    He is the reason they have been winning all these matches. What a DUMBASS Dubhe is. I thought I hated other anime characters but this kid...

    1. ^^ Speaking the truth
      You put all my emotions into words.

  6. I am quite surprised that Yaoyao is still considering That asshole dubhe
    If I was in her place I would never even see his face😤😤😤
