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Friday, November 13, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 127 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 127 Part 2

Tong Yao felt awkward.

She felt the person behind her was overly quiet, so she turned around to glance at Dubhe-- --Her eyes happened to meet his.

Surprised, Dubhe turned his face away.

-- --Ever since the ‘chance encounter’ in front of the bathroom during the Demacia Cup, Dubhe had been avoiding Tong Yao. He was always a man of few words and had become even quieter than usual.

Tong Yao hesitated for a moment: “......Little Dubhe, do you have anything here you want me to help you bring upstairs?”

Dubhe didn’t reply and only indifferently gave Tong Yao a look. Then he stood up to unplug his mouse and keyboard, grabbed his own mug, and went back upstairs without even looking back……

Tong Yao was taken aback, then awkwardly squatted down to plug all of Lu Sicheng’s equipment to the computer.

-- --Lu Sicheng had taken in all that happened between Dubhe and Tong Yao. The expressionless face became colder. When Duhbe passed by him, Lu Sicheng used a voice Duhbe could hear and coldly said: “Little brat, no respect to his seniors while still wet behind the ears.”

Dubhe’s back stiffened a bit as he went up the stairs.

“Big talk after losing the match. Your Ashe got smashed by Pope, lol.”

His voice wasn’t loud but Lu Sicheng could hear him just fine.

Lu Sicheng’s eyes went dark a bit.

Tong Yao sensed the unfriendliness and was in a hurry to get out from under the desk in order to stop her captain from irritating the chuunibyou kid. She was too rash as she tried to get up and bumped the back of head onto the bottom of the desk, making a loud thud-- --

Everyone at the base all shuddered from the sound.

Tong Yao screeched and squatted back down with her hand over her head. Little Fatty even closed his eyes and also rubbed his own head as if he had been the one to hit his head…… Lu Sicheng couldn’t sit still anymore and hurried over to pull Tong Yao out from under the desk. He put her on the chair: “Are you retarded? How can you bump into the desk? Where does it hurt? Take your hand off and let me see it.”

“I’m alright. Hrm, don’t rebuke Dubhe all the time. That kid only responds to softer approaches……”

Lu Sicheng ignored her. He easily brushed Tong Yao’s hand away and started to rub the back of her head for her.

Tong Yao grabbed his hand: “Did you hear me?”

Lu Sicheng said in a low voice: “I heard.”

He sounded somewhat impatient.

Tong Yao: “Loving care, I’ve said so many times-- --You provoke him then ask me to help you take care of the mess. This time, I won’t do it.”

As she was nagging, Tong Yao patted Lu Sicheng’s big hand to tell him to be gentler as he rubbed her head. She heard Lu Sicheng say: “What’s the use of loving care. He hasn’t apologized to you for that incident during the Demacia Cup, right? A brat like him won’t learn until he suffers some defeats himself. Did you hear what he said about me?”

“I heard it.”

“Then why don’t you comfort me?”

“..............................Sivir prevails over Ashe.”

The big hand paused on her head, his voice sounded kind of dangerous: “So you also feel that I got smashed by Li Junhe?”

The tone of voice sounded that if Tong Yao had the courage to say yes, then she would be single again from that moment on…… Tong Yao was speechless and amused at the same time. She lifted her hand to pat Lu Sicheng’s chest: “I’m not blind. Be more open minded. Don’t act like a kid.”

Lu Sicheng: “En.” Then the big hand started moving again on Tong Yao’s head: “Before he figures it out himself, nothing you say will work.”

Tong Yao looked up: “Hrm?”

Lu Sicheng: “Just like Lu Yue last year.”

Lu Yue who was being mentioned for no reason: “What?”

Lu Sicheng: “Teenagers are the most annoying.”

Everyone: “......”

He had taunted more than half the people at the base, including his own dumbfounded girlfriend.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I worry for that little kid. He’s going to get into trouble I know it

    1. He's not a champion material. His attitude is the worst. I feel like he won't play well with a team in the long run

  2. I sincerely hope that this Dubhe arc is going somewhere and won't be just left hanging around by the end of the novel. I liked that kid but now he's starting to piss me off.
