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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 127 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 127 Part 1

Tong Yao and her teammates took the next day off after they went back to the base. No one streamed that day. Even Little Fatty and Old Cat, who routinely streamed several hours every day, didn’t get on-- --It wasn’t because they were trying to avoid the storm they knew would be coming at them; it was Xiao Rui who wouldn’t let them stream.

“There must be a lot of people online waiting for the chance to troll you now. Let’s not fall into the trap.” Xiao Rui: “Wait a couple of days till other teams have their matches and those people have new targets, then you guys can stream.”

Taking advantage of this short break, A team and B team switched their training areas. Tong Yao and her teammates moved back to the first floor-- --There weren’t a lot of things to move: mouse, keyboard, a cup, and some other random items…… While everyone was busy moving things, Lu Sicheng sat on the couch with folded arms watching, with knit eyebrows like a master, Tong Yao running up and down the stairs with a box……

Little Fatty carried a box full of his snacks down the stairs. When he passed Lu Sicheng, he gave him a look and sarcastically said: “Cheng Ge, what are you doing here? Letting Tong Yao do the work for you while you space out here. Where’s your manners as a man……”

“Little Fatty, don’t provoke him. I told him to sit there and not move. His hand hurts.” Tong Yao stretched her head from the railing on the second floor: “Lu Sicheng, don’t you move. If you dare move just one muscle, you can’t touch me today.”

Little Fatty: “......”

Lu Sicheng exchanged a look with the dumbfounded Little Fatty. Lu Sicheng lifted his chin and had a speechless expression on his face, as if to say: See that?

Tong Yao’s voice was loud enough for everyone at base to hear. Lu Yue sneered and took a bottle of tincture and stuffed it into his brother’s hand. Then he looked up to ask: “Don’t touch you? What kind of touching are you talking about?”

It was quiet upstairs for 3 seconds.

On the fourth second, Tong Yao threw one of her slippers downstairs as her answer.

The slipper was light and Lu Yue caught it in the air. He looked down at the child size slipper and was about to stuff it into Lu Sicheng’s hand as well. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the slightly reddish skin on his brother’s wrist…… He was taken aback, then stopped joking around: “Your hand’s inflamed again?”

As a player who played a carry position, Lu Yue sometimes would have relapses of tenosynovitis himself when training was too intensive. It’s a common condition many players who played carry positions have…… Besides, Lu Sicheng was the one who trained the most among all these players. Every morning after he got up, he would either get on a ranked game or do one and a half hours of farming training. It was almost like his daily routine……

Lu Yue certainly knew how much a burden a 65 minutes long match was to Lu Sicheng’s hand-- -- Once the play time went over a reasonable amount of time, the pain multiplied from the damage done from overusing their wrist. That was the reason why towards the end of the last match, even a person like Lu Sicheng would subconsciously shake his wrist.

Because it hurt really badly.

“It’s fine. Tomorrow I’ll have the therapist to work on it then it’ll be alright.”

Lu Yue heard his brother’s low voice, it sounded like the pain wasn’t bothering him much. Lu Yue looked up at his brother and saw a calm face. Then Lu Sicheng used an even lower voice to say: “Don’t make a fuss about this. Don’t let the one upstairs see it, otherwise……”

Lu Sicheng didn’t finish his sentence.

Because Tong Yao came down with the last box full of things right then. She happened to see Lu Sicheng purse his lips and stopped talking…… After putting down the box, she glanced over at the bottle of tincture set on the table. She paused before asking: “You have tincture? I’ll rub some on your wrist in a bit?”

“I’ll do it myself. You’re too clumsy.” Lu Sicheng moved his hand a bit, turning the slightly reddish side away from where Tong Yao could see. He indifferently asked: “Where’s the bandages?”

“In my room, I’ll get it in a bit.”

Tong Yao didn’t suspect anything. As she was replying, she picked up the box again and hurried over to put things back to where they used to be-- -- This last box was all Lu Sicheng’s belongings. He even brought his Lucky Cat piggy bank with him to the second floor. Tong Yao took the heavy piggy bank out of the box, shook it, then stuck her fingers into it to pull out two cigarettes from inside and broke them in half to throw into the trash. She then put the piggy bank back to its original position.

She finished doing all these quite naturally, like they were her belongings.

Dubhe sat on Lu Sicheng’s chair during all this time coldly watching, without a sound. He only leaned back a little when Tong Yao was putting Lu Sicheng’s stuff back on his desk…… After Tong Yao had set everything back down on the desk, there were Dubhe’s mug, keyboard, and mouse still on the desk. She couldn’t connect Lu Sicheng’s mouse and keyboard onto the computer if Dubhe didn’t remove his……

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. “Don’t touch you? What kind of touching are you talking about?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Welcome back Lu Yue 😂😂

  2. Falling Into Your Smile drama which based on this novel already release first trailer! It's look so good !!
    Here the link

  3. Im wondering what is the schedule for this novel..its not gonna be once a month right?

    1. chapters are released in multiple parts but updated frequently (every 2-3 days)
