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Friday, October 2, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 119 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 119 Part 4

Old Cat still was looking for an excuse: “During the first team fight, the enemy’s top had already teleported down by the time I realized it. Even if I followed, it was……”

“The first team fight, when Old K blindly went right into the middle of the enemy’s mid and jungler, your game screen was right on bot-- --Two seconds later, the enemy’s top teleported there. If you really wanted to come down, you would be two seconds faster than your opponent. K god hadn’t died yet. You two had more than enough time to stall till Tong Yao came over and attacked their mid. The fact was you didn’t come down.”

“I didn’t see any good position to teleport to……”

“Today, Old K placed most of his wards at mid and bot. There were so many wards that Little Fatty had money left over after buying his sightstone. On the enemy side, only their support had one sweeping lens. At the time, our wards were everywhere on mid and bot, even the triangle bush and around the enemy’s blue buff, in the back and front. How good of a teleport position do you want?”

Lu Sicheng wasn’t looking at Old Cat at all. For the entire time, he only had his eyes fixed on Tong Yao’s computer screen.

Tong Yao turned her face to the side to look at him. His whole face looked like it was in a deep freeze. The numbers on the screen were reflected in his dark brown pupils and looked like a storm could strike at any moment.

Old Cat lost the ability to continue speaking.

Even Old K was deathly silent, since Lu Sicheng had also derided him for wasting so many wards at bot.

The bullet comments on Tong Yao’s stream were as follows-- --

[Skirmish went bad?]

[The expression on Cheng Ge’s face looks like he’s going to eat people.]

[What’s happening…...The look on Cheng Ge’s face is like he’s going to hit someone in the next second.]

[Has Tong Yao irritated you?]

[Mom, I’m scared!]


Lu Sicheng pretended that he didn’t see anything and minimized the stream.

“It’s quite normal to win or lose a game. It’s not something that’s unacceptable at all. We lost to CK in the final match during the spring competition, did anyone say anything at the time? But if you don’t want to play the game or you take for granted that other teammates should waste their time along with you just because you two are angry at each other, then I think for tomorrow’s game, you two don’t have-- --”

Before Lu Sicheng finished, he suddenly felt a soft and warm touch landing on the corner of his tightened lips.

He stopped talking and slightly took aback. He turned his face to meet the eyes of the person who he had pushed aside and was holding her knees at the moment-- --She was looking upwards, at him, with her bright black eyes.

Lu Sicheng: “......What are you up to?”

Tong Yao: “..............................................Talk nicely, take it easy.”

Lu Sicheng was silent for three seconds.

Finally, he said: “You two better think it over.” Then, surprisingly, he just turned around and walked away.

The training area was dead quiet.

Everyone was confused and looked as if they were thinking “I don’t know how but I think I survived.”

Tong Yao sat back to face her computer and brought her stream back onto the foreground. She found that bullet comments already covered the screen with “666666666”-- --

[ZGDX mid pked the biggest boss in Summoner Valley, she won.]

[One person carries the whole game, leading her teammates out of danger.]

[Lol, hahahahaha, I thought Cheng Ge was going to smash the base. But he just walked away, hahahahahahahahahahaha.]

[Alright, alright, I believe you two have true love now.]

[I have to hand it to you.]

[ZGDX captain is obsessed with the woman and has lost interest in teaching his teammates. The iceberg of the past is no longer here. Why is that?]

[What a good move. A kiss can not only make a woman shut up when she’s gone berserk, it can also let a man shut up when he’s gone berserk! ! ! ! ]

[You’re something, my sister.]

[With this one trick, you can make your point and remain invincible.]

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 netizens comments are always funny, doesn't matter if they're in real life or in a novel lol


  2. [One person carries the whole game, leading her teammates out of danger.] - I echo the sentiment! Smiling, you rock!!

  3. i thnk my fave part about reading this novel is the netizen comments lol

    1. And they are readable. In the series the subtitles fly by so fast in the comment section parts that I have a hard time reading them and I read really fast.

  4. She could have used her hand but still chose to kiss him instead... that’s the power of a woman! Go go TY

  5. lmao power of true love right there, I agree, I love the netizen comments
