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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 92 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 92 Part 1 
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Since that red envelope exchange, Yang Yin and Shen Zemu didn’t have any contact for a month. The two seemed to have a mutual understanding to pretend that they had forgotten about what had happened.

But Shen Zemu still knew what was going on with Yang Yin. Yang Yin would chat on their WeChat group occasionally. Though Shen Zemu wouldn’t participate in the chat, he would still read what was being posted.

At the end of June, Yang Yin announced in the WeChat group that she had found a job and would like to invite everyone to eat.

Her new job was as a coach for a Kings of Glory professional team. This team had been formed last year and changed hands and name in the Spring this year. The team had been defeated in the preliminary competition not too long ago and lost its chance to return to the professional major league next season.

Kings of Glory was an extremely popular game and there were many professional teams, big and small. However, the teams that drew any attention from fans were the 12 teams in the major league. The rest of the teams were trying anyway they could to become one of the 12. After every season’s regular competition, according to the performances of each team, only 9 out of the 12 teams would keep their seats in the league and secure their rights to participate in the competition next season. The 3 teams that were eliminated would have to take place in the preliminary competition and compete with other teams for the right to play in next season’s competition-- --The other teams were winners from various minor leagues.

The team Yang Yin was coaching, Team Dw, didn’t do well in the Spring season this year. The team was second to last of the 12, they had fallen down to the preliminaries and still couldn’t stand out from there.

Esports was a very cruel business. Teams changed hands quite frequently. A team like Dw existed in the past and it would continue to exist in the future as well. Basically, when the team was defeated, it meant the team would be disbanded. The owner of the team would disband and sell the team’s resources in order to cut their losses.

However, Dw’s current owner was Deng Wenbo.

Money wasn’t an issue for Deng Wenbo. What he cared the most was his personal pride. He didn’t care that he had spent a large amount of money to buy a team and sign up some good players. He had spent all the money to make himself happy.

But the team’s performance couldn’t make him happy anymore.

Yang Yin happened to come up to him on her own at the time.


“Yin Jiejie, how did you talk him into it?” Xiang Nuan asked. Xiang Nuan had some impression about Deng Wenbo; he liked to boast but was rather slow when playing games. In any case, he was an unreliable person.

“I’ve signed a bet with him. If I can bring Dw back into the major league in the next preliminary, he’ll give me one million, after tax.”

“That’s a lot of money. Yin Jiejie, you’re going to be rich!”

Yang Yin laughed: “Thanks for your kind words. Wait for me to be rich!”

Shen Zemu who had been quiet up till now suddenly opened his mouth: “What if you can’t?”

Yang Yin was taken aback and looked at him.

Shen Zemu asked: “What if you can’t bring the team back, what do you owe him?”

Yang Yin used her tea cup to lightly knock on the table and said: “Well, can you just wish me well instead?”

“You had some issues with him before.” Shen Zemu said.

Xiang Nuan doubtfully looked at Lin Chuyan. Lin Chuyan shook his head, he had nothing to do with this.

“Yin Jiejie, what happened between you and Deng Wenbo?” Xiang Nuan asked.

Yang Yin told her about what happened before. Xiang Nuan then connected the dots. The boss whom Yang Yin had broken his arm was Deng Wenbo. Now she had circled back to work for him again.

Xiang Nuan felt sorry for Yang Yin: “Then why do you still……”

Yang Yin didn’t seem to think it was a big deal: “One has to bow her head sometimes if one wants to survive in society.”


Not too long after that, Lin Chuyan met Deng Wenbo by chance. He pulled Deng Wenbo over to the corner and seriously told him: “I heard that Yang Yin’s gone working for you.”

“That’s right. You know her?”

Lin Chuyan said: “She’s good friends with my girlfriend. If you bully her, my girlfriend would be upset. When my girlfriend gets upset, I won’t be happy. If I’m not happy-- --”

“You’ll rape me.” Deng Wenbo cut in. He felt really gloomy that he’d met a person like Lin Chuyan.

“Don’t flatter yourself.” Lin Chuyan said: “My body can only belong to my Nuannuan.”

“Oh, I’m damn happy about it.”

“-- --I’ll look for a gorilla to rape you.”

Deng Wenbo was speechless and rolled his eyes: “Lin Chuyan, does your family know that you’re this shameless?”

“They know it.”

Deng Wenbo opened his mouth but didn’t know how to continue the conversation.

Lin Chuyan lightly tapped Deng’s shoulder: “So, don’t bully Yang Yin.”

“I certainly won’t bully her. We’re now partners. You think I’m an animal?”

Translated by Team DHH at