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Monday, September 28, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 119 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 119 Part 2

Everyone sat down in the training area on the second floor when it was time for the skirmish.

Old K would usually go into the jungle at the beginning of the game. Usually top helped the jungler get the blue buff before going to top to start farming-- --But today, when the game began and the five champions spawned in the fountain, Old K didn’t wait for the others but asked Tong Yao to come help him. Old Cat on the other hand moved towards the top lane with a dark face……

The atmosphere instantly became awkward.

Only Little Fatty tried to pretend nothing had happened and started chatting to save the moment: “The current version of Zyra is a really strong support, very good at countering Thresh. Every time Thresh uses the hook, he throws the hook and Zyra just plants a flower in the way! Cheng Ge, I, as the god of Thresh, don’t think this is good. We have to work together as a team to counter Zyra……”

Lu Sicheng didn’t bother with Little Fatty but turned to glance at both Old Cat and Old K with a stone face-- --The look didn’t do anything to Old Cat and Old K but successfully made Little Fatty shut up. He cleared his throat and pretended that nothing was happening.

“Next time, try using champions with longer arms to fight Zyra. Don’t limit yourself with traditional support champions, you can give all the other champions a try.”

Lu Sicheng proved that he had heard Little Fatty just fine. Then he looked back at his own computer and clicked his mouse, focusing on farming on his own-- --The rest of the team felt the mounting pressure and kept their mouths shut. But they didn’t expect that this was only the beginning……

What followed was two troublemaking juveniles demonstrating what it was like when the jungler ignored top and top ignored supporting their jungler-- --

The jungler left the upper half of the jungle immediately after clearing it of monsters. Though he had seen the enemy’s jungler in the upper half of the jungle, he didn’t bother signaling to top to warn of the danger of being ganked by the enemy jungler. All the wards were placed to gain vision around mid and bot lanes, none of them were for top.

A team fight broke out at mid and top didn’t bother teleporting over to help even as his team’s jungler was being attacked-- --Usually, he would have reacted quickly enough to save their jungler from dying, but this time he didn’t do it. He watched the enemy’s top teleport to bot to join his team and killed ZGDX’s jungler…...Then with the advantage of numbers, CK easily killed ZGDX’s mid and support. Lu Sicheng reacted more quickly and avoided death. But CK was still able to take down one of bot’s turrets and the first infernal drake.

Lu Sicheng hid in the bushes to go back to base. At that point, Old Cat started to slowly walk towards mid lane. He was going to help Tong Yao guard the outer turret at mid-- --

But that wasn’t going to help the team.

At the 12th minute, CK forced ZGDX into a team fight. At this point, CK had earned extra gold from destroying the first turret in the match in addition to getting three kills and killing the valuable infernal drake. ZGDX was far behind……

It all began with Old K’s absent-mindedness when he carelessly went over knowing that the enemy had all gathered there. It ended with Old Cat playing blind at top, refusing to teleport down to help no matter what.

CK was a strong team and good at pushing whatever advantages they had. Once they seized the opportunity, they made the rest of the match quite miserable even for Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng who still had an edge up to this point-- --

Additionally, Jian Yang was in a very good condition today and had discovered that ZGDX’s top and jungler weren’t working together today. He stayed put at top again and constantly attacked Old Cat...

At the 25th minute, Old Cat’s Trundle died from a random attack from the enemy’s ad. Without top, it was hard for ZGDX to drag it into the late game.

At the 35th minute, CK pushed into ZGDX’s base. When ZGDX’s inhibitor blew up, the stats of all five ZGDX players looked quite pitiful-- --

Ming god went over and smacked both Old Cat and Old K at the back of their heads with his writing tablet and commented: “Gee, what an ugly play!”

Lu Sicheng didn’t have much of an expression on his face and clicked to check the post match stats. Then he turned off the computer and said flatly: “Just tell us if you don’t want to play the skirmish. No need to waste everybody’s time here.”

His voice wasn’t loud, but low and slow. It was enough for everyone on the second floor to hear it clearly.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I could feel the pressure hul


  2. Old Cat and Old K are acting immature though. They are professional players for goodness sakes, They are affecting the whole team with their attitude
