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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 88 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 88 Part 2

Lin Chuyan took out a harmonica from his pocket. He had just found the harmonica in the study room upstairs. There was a violin in the room as well, but he didn’t know how to play it.

Just when he was about to play the harmonica, his cell phone rang.

It was Manager Wang from Pea TV.

Lin Chuyan figured Manager Wang was calling about the competition this afternoon, so he turned on the speaker.

“Hello, Xiao Lin?” Manager Wang sounded very enthusiastic, he had even changed the way he was addressing Lin Chuyan.

“Manager, when can we get the award money?”

“The award money? The process of issuing the award money isn’t under my authority. But I’ll take care of the extra bonus from the company tomorrow after I get to work. Don’t you worry about it.”

“Alright, thank you, Manager. Goodbye, Manager.”

“Wait, wait, wait……” Manager Wang hurriedly stopped Lin Chuyan and said: “There’s another thing I want to ask you.”


“The thing is…...That Nuan god, is she interested in joining our streaming platform? The pay is negotiable, she can make any requests she wants.”

Lin Chuyan looked at Xiang Nuan.

He certainly didn’t want her to stream, but he wouldn’t respond for her either.

Xiang Nuan looked like she was hesitating somewhat, but she shook her head right afterwards.

It would be rather fun for her to stream, but the viewers were a mixed bag, some were rather vulgar. She didn’t feel like she would be able to handle the insults.

“Manager Wang, she said she doesn’t want to do it.” Lin Chuyan said to his cell phone.

“Oh? You asked her this quickly?” Manager Wang sounded a little suspicious.

“That’s right. She’s here right next to me. Should I send a video clip showing her shaking her head to you?”

“That’s not necessary, hahaha……” Manager Wang awkwardly laughed. Afterwards, he felt even more uneasy and hurriedly asked again: “Oh, right, one more thing. How about Zemu, is he interested in coming to our platform? Pay is negotiable and he can make any request.”

Shen Zemu didn’t even give it much thought and shook his head immediately.

“Manager, he doesn’t want to do it either. He’s also right next to me. We’re having dinner together. Is there anything else, Manager?”

“There is, there is one more thing…...That Yang Yinyin, is she interested-- --”

Yang Yin shook her head without an expression on her face.

“She doesn’t either. Anything else, Manager?”

“Yes, yes, yes, one last question.”

“Manager, Hu Ge is with Pea TV already.”

“Ah? No, it’s not that. I know he’s with us. I’m not talking about him…...I was going to say that from the time you guys won the competition up till now, I’ve already received calls from managers of three different professional teams. They asked me to ask whether Nuan god’s interested in playing professionally? If she can join a team, they can’t guarantee she would be the main player right away but for sure she would have the chance to play in competitions. If she performs well, she should be moving up to be the main player in no time.”

Lin Chuyan looked at Xiang Nuan again.

Xiang Nuan’s eyes brightened up when she heard about the invitations from professional teams, but the sparkles dimmed rather quickly.

“Nuannuan, do you want to play professionally?” Lin Chuyan asked her.

Xiang Nuan lifted up her glass and took a sip of the wine before answering: “I’m a person who has to study hard and make progress everyday.”

Manager Wang still wanted to try persuading her. Lin Chuyan had enough and simply said goodbye to him before hanging up.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Nuannuan is a more realistic girl, I suppose. I wondered if she would be interested in turning pro given her obsession as well.... but sometimes a hobby is just a hobby?

    1. Yes I wondered as welll. She quite sensible though

    2. I'm honestly not keen on seeing the FL becoming a pro gamer
