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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 86 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 86 Part 3 

The turning point happened at the eighth minute. Xiang Nuan received instructions from Yang Yin: “Nuannuan, come down.”

Xiang Nuan was on her way to top lane. She saw the enemy’s Cao Cao on her way there and when she received the instruction, she, to be on the cautious side, went into the bushes first to avoid being detected by Cao Cao’s ward. She circled around before heading straight to bot lane. Because of her carefulness, Cao Cao didn’t see where she was heading and stayed at top.

When Xiang Nuan arrived at bot, Yang Yin and the others had already started a team fight. The enemy was retreating at the time. Xiang Nuan waited on their route of retreat. When the low health Zhuge Liang ran by, she went to give him a good beating and killed him. Then she saw Li Yuanfang come by and did the same to him.

Because she came to help out just in time, for a short period of time the team fight was 5 against 4. Hua Mulan took two kills. Lin Chuyan and Yang Yin killed Yang Jian together and Zhang Fei also died in the battle.

When Cao Cao rushed over, it was too late to save anyone. He hesitantly tried to fight back but eventually backed away.

During this team fight, Xiang Nuan’s team traded one life for four kills. Xiang Nuan’s team had almost closed the economic gap that they had suffered in the beginning.

However, Invincible wasn’t that easily discouraged. They played steadily afterwards. At the tenth minute, they pretended to start a team fight and when Xiang Nuan’s team came to fight, they suddenly retreated to trap Hua Mulan who had tried to get behind them and killed her. After killing Hua Mulan, Invincible went right away to take down Dark Slayer.

It became a tug of war until the fifteenth minute, Invincible regained the dominant position and even killed Sun Bin.

The tempo of the match had gradually returned to Invincible.

Xiang Nuan’s forehead was sweating.

It was too hard, she thought, the opponent was really strong.

Lin Chuyan was also in a bad situation. He had angered the enemy too much in the last match, now Invincible was targeting him in particular and kept a close watch on him.

At the eighteenth minute, Invincible detected that Hua Mulan was at bot and forced a team fight at mid. With 5 against 4, Xiang Nuan’s team couldn’t pull themselves out in time and Invincible killed Sun Bin first, then followed by Marco Polo, Miyamoto and Mai Shiranui……

Invincible lost two champions in exchange for four players from Xiang Nuan’s team.

Xiang Nuan looked at the darkened profiles of four of her teammates, her heart was thumping inside her chest.

She rushed Hua Mulan to the battleground, but it was three against one. Should she fight or run?

“Nuannuan, just come back.” Yang Yin said.

“I want to try.” Xiang Nuan hesitated: “They aren’t in good condition and don’t have all their abilities available either.” Though her teammates were all gone, they had dealt considerable damage to the enemy. At least they had killed two enemies and cost the others their health.

Yang Yin didn’t object to Xiang Nuan’s suggestion: “Hm, then go for it.”

One against three, Hua Mulan rushed out!

Xiang Nuan’s Hua Mulan was using the Bunny Girl skin and her weapons were big carrots and small carrots. The cute Bunny Girl wielded her big carrot and hit anyone in her way, looking quite fierce yet cute at the same time. The remaining enemy champions were Yang Jian, Zhuge Liang, and Li Yuanfang. The three of them tangled with Mulan and all of their health bars began to shorten. Li Yuanfang was the first to fall down, then Zhuge Liang fell…...then in the very end, Yang Jian and Hua Mulan fell down together.

Both sides perished together!

It was actually a very good ending for Xiang Nuan’s team since it was 1 against 3 afterall. Many viewers were giving Hua Mulan a thumbs up in their minds.

Nevertheless, Hua Mulan’s profile didn’t go dark. Two seconds later, the Bunny Girl with the big carrot on her back and little carrot between her fingers stood up again.

She was revived!

The viewers immediately realized what had happened-- --She had bought the guardian angel.

The problem was when did she buy it? With the economy of either side, they hadn’t reached the point to afford the guardian angel. Besides, even if she could buy it, why didn’t the other side take any precautions to guard against her?

The revived Hua Mulan happened to meet the minion wave from her side and led them all the way to destroy the other side’s base. All the champions of Invincible were still waiting for their respawns. Hua Mulan led the minions, with carrots in hand, and began stabbing the enemy's nexus.

The health of the nexus quickly went down. The enemy’s champions were reaching the end of their respawn countdowns. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-- --Zhang Fei was revived, then Cao Cao…...As soon as they were revived, they rushed over.

But it seemed already too late. Hua Mulan concentrated her efforts on destroying the nexus and finally crushed it.

The bullet comments also exploded.

-- --Shit, I kneel down to her!

-- --I know when she got the guardian angel, the very moment before she died! I’ve seen others do that before, it takes a god-like amount of skill to pull off. Heaven, it scares me!

-- --666666

-- --So Hua Mulan can be played like this. Now I know.

-- --Is it only me who feels that Nuan god is very cute with the Bunny Girl skin?

-- --Nuan god, my hubby, my hubby, my hubby……

-- --Miracle Nuannuan. 

-- --Hahaha, don’t leave. Miracle Nuannuan! Well said!

-- --Miracle Nuannuan!

-- --Miracle Nuannuan!

-- --Miracle Nuannuan!

Translated by Team DHH at