
You're My Belated Happiness releases every week Tuesday and Thursday at 11am PST.

Friday, August 7, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 109 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 109 Part 3

The match started.

Dubhe took Jinx as his champion today-- --Tong Yao admired his courage for picking himself up after he had fallen-- --At least in her own case, it took her quite a long time before she could go back to Leblanc after being badly defeated by Ah Tai……

The ban & pick phase went quite smoothly. The ZGDX B team chose Maokai, Kha’Zix, Leblanc, Jinx, and Braum; Team Lan’s lineup was Trundle, Hecarim, Malzahar, Sivir, and Thresh.

Neither side had much advantage over the other as far as their lineups were concerned-- --

Four minutes into the game, both sides had a rather normal laning phase. Dubhe was in pretty good condition today. While they were still level 1, he had a slight lead on Team Lan’s ad in terms of farming thanks to Braum’s help.

When they were half way to level 3, ZGDX B’s jungler came to the bushes at bot. Jinx didn’t make any aggressive moves and let the enemy detect that someone could be behind them. After Jinx reached level 3 ahead of everyone else, the jungler, Kha’Zix, jumped out of the bush to join the bot. With the advantage of being a 3 vs 2, they were able to kill the two Lan players at bot!

The audience burst into cheers!

Tong Yao also clapped: “Nice! Nice!”

B team’s support was the first to go back to base since he was low on health. Jinx took his time to clear out the minion lane, push to the other side, and didn’t return until he was outside the turret-- --

Just then there was a commotion in the audience since the audience had an overall view of the whole map. They had discovered that Lan’s jungler, Hecarim, was coming. Hecarim was one of the fastest champions. It looked like that Jinx, who was at low health, would be ganked!

As the audience held their collective breath and widened their eyes in expectation that Jinx was already in Hecarim’s back pocket only to find that Jinx had reacted the moment he saw Hecarim pass by a ward. He had used his abilities to hurt Hecarim while keeping him at a distance. Hecarim had barely slashed Jinx. At the fourth second, Hecarim realized that he probably wouldn’t succeed and was about to retreat. But at the same moment, the scurrying Jinx suddenly turned around to chase after Hecarim and used her “w” ability to slow Hecarim followed by two attacks!

Jinx was able to come back on top with only a slim health left!

The entire dance lasted only 7 seconds back to back!

The audience roared in cheers again. Even the commentators couldn’t resist chiming in-- --

[This series of maneuvers was so detailed and he even used psychological warfare!]

[This Jinx is really something. I would say ZGDX’s ad position really has a qualified successor now, hahahahaha!]

[Seriously, how do we measure that play just now compared to Chessman’s?]

Amid the excited commentary, Tong Yao turned her head to look at Lu Sicheng and saw him raise his chin up watching the match with his legs crossed, looking rather unperturbed.

Tong Yao: “Aren’t you nervous? Little Dubhe’s play just now really is on par with yours.”

Lu Sicheng: “If anyone plays like that in a match against me, I can definitely outdo him. Wait till this kid plays like this and no one bothers to praise him, then it’ll truly start making me nervous.”

Tong Yao: “......”

People always say young and frivolous, yet it looked like an older ad could also be capable of being delusional as well.

Dubhe played rather smoothly this match with two kills and one assist in the early game. About nine minutes into the game, his first key item Infinity Edge was almost ready-- --

Tong Yao: “He’s short of a few dozen gold for an Infinity. If it were you at this point……”

Lu Sicheng: “It’s just the gold from getting the four monsters in the jungle.”

Tong Yao: “What if I’m also lacking the same amount of gold?”

Lu Sicheng: “Then I’ll let you get it. I can wait for the next wave of minions.”

Tong Yao: “No, the mid has a longer minion lane. I should be the one letting you have it.”

Old K: “......”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Just too bad at hiding lmao


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. They didn't even realize that they're just flirting to each other on public 🤣

    1. Public?? What are you talking about? They're on their own private moment. It was only Old K who heard them! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Thank you. They are just son into each other, it's creeping into their conversations

  5. It's useless. Why don't you two just shout it out for the whole world to know! Hahaha! 😂😂
