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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 85 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 85 Part 4 

As soon as the first match began, the professional team’s mid suddenly openly said on public chat: Young lady of the other side, after the match, no matter who wins, could you leave your contact info? We can play games together in the future.  ^ _ ^

This was a rather funny thing to do during a match, even if it was only a privately held competition. How could anyone openly hit on a girl this way? How low was this person’s EQ? Was he treating this match as a solo queue game?

In the bullet comments, people were already criticizing the streamer’s lack of sportsmanship, being disrespectful to other players. But there were also others who supported him, saying that friendship comes first before the competition, the guy wasn’t trolling anyone.

Lin Chuyan coldly replied: Is this how a professional team plays?

The bullet comments exploded. It coincided with the rumor which had been circling around earlier. Now even a participant had come out to confirm it himself. It was even more convincing now that it was a professional team pretending to be a streamer’s team. Though there were still some people who didn't think so. They believed it was because Chu god knew that his team couldn’t win this match and was trying to find an excuse in advance. It wouldn’t look too bad to lose to a professional team than to a streamer’s team.

In the midst of all uproar, the match really began.

Xiang Nuan’s team didn’t play too well this match. Lin Chuyan, annoyed due to the fact his girlfriend had been teased, was a little distracted. Though he didn’t even notice the delicate change in his own mindset, his performance was indeed affected by it.

Chen Yinghu’s coordination with his teammates was a little bit off as well-- --This had been an issue for a while. He was used to playing solo and all of his map sense was trained on playing solo. It was easy for him to play independent of the others.

In addition, Shen Zemu wasn’t in his best condition either; he died twice to enemy tower dives.

Xiang Nuan was playing well at first, but after her other teammates started to fall behind, she wasn’t able to hold her own ground either……

After losing the first match, everyone was blaming themselves.

“There was only one person who was the problem.” Yang Yin said: “Lin Chuyan. It was you who messed up your rhythm first which sidetracked Chen Yinghu, making him lose his rhythm. Because you two started messing up, Shen Zemu was just a chain reaction.”

Lin Chuyan pursed the corner of his lips and said: “En. I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize. What I’m trying to say is don’t put all your attention on Nuannuan all the time. Don’t tell me that you think you can protect her all the time?”

Xiang Nuan was taken aback and sneaked a peek at Lin Chuyan. Then she touched his hand and said: “Actually, I can protect you well.”

Lin Chuyan’s heart was warmed by the soft touch of Xiang Nuan’s hand: “En.”

Translated by Team DHH at