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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 85 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 85 Part 2

Yang Yin nodded: “Since Team Invincible has a business relation with the Dolphin TV, it would be hard for Invincible to turn down the request from Dolphin. It’s very likely these players are from Invincible’s B team…...Well, was this what the manager from Pea TV wanted to talk to you about? Was there anything else?”

“Yes, they wanted to do the same thing that Invincible's doing.”


“......They also want to hire a professional team to play the Cup. They want me to hand them my account and they plan to give us the award money if the team wins.”

Pea TV was a major platform and had signed contracts with three professional teams. It wasn’t hard for them to find a replacement team.

When Yang Yin heard this, she pondered for a while then asked Lin Chuyan: “How did you reply?”

“I said I’ll think it over.”

“How about you guys?” Yang Yin glanced at the other teammates: “What do you all think?”

Xiang Nuan was the first to raise her hand: “I disagree. I think that it’d be cheating. Other people cheat, why do we have to do the same?”

“I think we can agree to it.” Chen Yinghu said right afterwards: “We can get the money without any hard work. Where do you normally find such a deal?”

“I agree with Xiang Nuan.” Lin Chuyan said.

Chen Yinghu asked: “Why?”

“Because she’s my girlfriend.”

“Could you please stand on your own ground?”

“My girlfriend is my ground. Why can’t I?”

Chen Yinghu despised him: “The IQ of a person in love is in the negatives.”

Yang Yin said: “I also agree with Xiang Nuan.”

“Why, Yin Jie?”

“Because she’s cute.”


Shen Zemu said: “I also agree with Xiang Nuan.”

Chen Yinghu turned his head to look at his cousin and asked without much expression: “Why, cousin, is it also because she’s cute?”

Once he said that, he realized that he had been impudent. It was quite an awkward moment. Lin Chuyan was staring at him. He pretended that he didn’t notice and looked the other way.

Then his own cousin said: “I’m just saying it to go against you.”

Chen Yinghu: =  =

Why did his cousin hate him?

No matter what the reason was, the majority of the team agreed to reject the suggestion. The matter was settled and they all agreed that they wouldn’t give the account away.

Lin Chuyan called Manager Wang back to relay the message. Manager Wang didn’t expect that they would reject the offer. He kept trying to persuade Lin Chuyan with all sorts of offers but to no avail. In the end, Manager Wang even promised Lin Chuyan that if his team won the Cup, the platform would give them an extra fifty thousand on top of the award money.

The fifty thousand RMB was the budget the platform had allocated to handle this emergency incident. The funds were meant to pay for the professional team replacement. Manager Wang had the right to dispose of the money as he deemed fit.

After the negotiations, Manager Wang looked at his cell phone and almost burst into tears. He had never met anyone like Lin Chuyan and didn’t know how to report back to his boss……

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Its called honesty and integrity Manager Wang. Besides, wouldn't fans have noticed if their style of play had suddenly changed?

  2. manager wang, the solution is very simple, really. just have the players play face to face and let the audience deduce on their own.
