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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 102 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 102 Part 3

Before going to bed that night, Tong Yao cleaned up her stuff from her desk and let the mid from the B team sit on her chair. Though he wasn’t going to the competition, he still moved downstairs with the rest of the B team. She said goodnight to the B team kids around her and went upstairs. Her teammates were crowded at the training area on the second floor. Tong Yao walked over to the B team mid desk and put down her stuff there.

“That’s right, we’ve been driven to the second floor because there’s no human rights if there’s no competition.” Little Fatty was streaming and chatting with the fans. “It’s darker on the second floor…...What, an excessive beautifying effect? This is Little Brother Alkaid’s camera, go laugh at him. I’m not going to take the blame for him.”

Tong Yao passed behind Little Fatty and saw his computer screen was occupied with “233333.”[1]

“I can’t even stretch my legs.” Old K said: “It’s a little crowded on the second floor.”

“I would never have imagined that I could be this close to you.” Old Cat, who sat snuggly right next to Old K, said: “It’s like when you hide in the jungle to farm and I can blow your head up just by raising my hand.”

Old K: “......”

Lu Sicheng was looking down to adjust Dubhe’s computer setup to make it more comfortable for him.

Tong Yao put down her stuff and checked the time, it was almost midnight. She said goodnight to everyone and decided to go back to her room to get ready for bed-- --When she turned around, she noticed that Lu Sicheng had logged off the game. When Tong Yao walked towards her room, Lu Sicheng pushed his chair back. When Tong Yao was at her door, Lu Sicheng stood up from his seat.

Tong Yao closed the door.

About one minute and thirty seconds later, Tong Yao’s door opened from the outside. Tong Yao was standing right behind the door as if she had guessed this would happen. Lu Sicheng walked in her room and handed her a bottle of water first. Then, without saying anything, he picked up Tong Yao, still holding the bottle of war, and pushed her against the wall.

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao: “What are you doing?”

One of Lu Sicheng’s arms hugged around Tong Yao’s waist and his other arm rested between Tong Yao’s head and the wall. He slightly bent over. His slightly cool lips were now right next to Tong Yao’s earlobe-- --Every time he said something, he would lightly touch her ear that felt unintentional. His warm breath would blow against her ear.

“Today our team manager said that our team’s first mid seems to have an unusual relationship with our B team ad which is beyond the friendship of just being teammates.” Lu Sicheng’s voice was deep and smooth: “Our team manager told me, as the team captain, to watch out for these kinds of things closely. I should make sure that you two kids won’t let your love affair affect your rank.”


When Lu Sicheng’s lips pasted onto Tong Yao’s neck……

Tong Yao’s stiffened waistline softened.

“Xiao Rui’s imagination is way too wild……”

At first, Tong Yao felt those lips were only lightly pressed down on her neck, gradually the lips began to move…...Lu Sicheng’s breathing became heavier and the heat from his breath almost felt like it could burn her neck. He stuck out the tip of his tongue to touch the fair skin right next to his lips.

Tong Yao’s back was completely pressed against the wall. At the same time, she felt the big hand around her waistline start to move up and down. One of his fingers moved downwards clasping her waist while using his pinky to lift the hem of Tong Yao’s tshirt……

The skin of the pinky touched Tong Yao’s skin, passing the scorching heat onto her.

Tong Yao subconsciously held her breath.

She held tightly onto Lu Sicheng’s arm right in front of her. Her eyes flashed from nervousness. She paused for a moment then started to push him: “Cut it out, cut it out…...Little Dubhe is just too competitive-- --Ah!”

Lu Sicheng unexpectedly bit Tong Yao. She slapped hard on his shoulder and stared at him while covering her neck with her hand: “What are you doing?”

“Just following the manager’s instructions to keep a close eye on my teammate’s lifestyle.”

The pair of dark brown pupils seemed even darker from the unusual emotions within them.

“This is how you keep a close eye?”

“Right.” Lu Sicheng laughed quietly and pulled Tong Yao’s hand away to look at the red mark he had just created on her neck. He said with a complacent tone of voice: “And steal what has been entrusted to me while I’m at it.”

[1]: 233 is like “lol” in English, it comes from a gif laughing picture numbered 233.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I can't believ3 Lu sicheng left a hickey! LMAO



  3. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  4. I'm just smiling while reading this and my family is like what is so funny show us if it's really funny

    1. I can relate. Even my neighbor thinks I'm crazy smiling and giggling with my phone.

  5. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 ive read the raw translated awfully and ----------------------------- 🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩 looking forward to what will happened next..πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  6. Oh god.. I knew the Google translate machine wouldn't joke with me.. this is just too good. I was so looking forward for their snuggling scenes.. my high hopes weren't shattered ❤❤❤ thanks for the update

  7. Captain lu is leaving his mark or love seal on tong tong. Smart. Haha

  8. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  9. How is she going to explain a hickey. He just created more problems for her

    1. She wears makeup, she'll cover it. Plus it was a bite not a hickey, so it should fade faster.

  10. This is my 3rd read and NGL I still smiling nonstop every single chapter, my face hurt
