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Monday, June 29, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 102 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 102 Part 2

Tong Yao pulled out the writing tablet and took a look at it under the dim porch light, then started to read aloud: “11 minutes 12 seconds, miscalculated ability damage, champion is at level 6 and Jinx initial damage is 79 (including damage from runes), with accurate calculation should be able to block two abilities from enemy ad; 12 minutes 13 seconds, missed minion, not familiar with champion’s damage, should practice more on farming……”

Dubhe turned his head to give Tong Yao a look. Tong Yao handed the tablet over: “Though Cheng Ge is mean and harsh, at least he earnestly wants to bring you up as his successor…...Think about those years when he was in Korea, he probably wouldn’t have been treated as nicely.”

“I don’t care about that. I only know that with him on the team, I’ll never have the chance to play in any competition.”

“You can lead your own team to play from the junior league to go up to the major league.”

“That’s impossible. The new mid we have now can’t catch up with us. It’ll be possible only if Lu Yue is with us or Cheng Ge retires and I get into the A team.” Dubhe took the tablet to take a glance: “Tsk. So when is he going to retire?”

“......” Tong Yao kept her squatting position but raised her head to glance at the kid next to her: “Little Dubhe, aren’t you a bit too impatient?”

Dubhe lowered his head to give Tong Yao a deep look but didn’t say anything.

After a long while, he slowly said: “I always win when playing ranked with you, it feels good.”

Tong Yao: “Oh yeah? Thank-- --”

Dubhe: “I also want to have a strong mid like you, not that wimp on the team now who only waits for others to win for him.”

Tong Yao stood up, brushed down the nonexisting dusts on her knees, and didn’t know what else to say-- --She should be happy being complimented by the kid, yet she couldn’t feel any happiness. The kid next to her had an overly strong desire to win, to move up to the A team. His every word, every expression all let Tong Yao sense his impetuous eagerness……

Tong Yao frowned.

Dubhe on the other hand just chuckled: “I really envy Cheng Ge; fame, money, good teammates-- --he has everything I want.”


Inside the base, Xiao Rui knelt on the couch with his bottom sticking out and his face pasted to the window to look outside. He kept mumbling while looking: “Cheng Ge, I suddenly feel that maybe we haven’t been caring for the B team enough?”

Lu Sicheng, who was sitting on the couch reviewing the video of the just finished match, didn’t respond.

“Little Dubhe seemed to have a pleasant conversation with Tong Yao. But he usually isn’t like that when he speaks to his teammates; he’s not like that even when management talks to him. Why?” Xiao Rui had already pressed his face into a pancake against the window. After a while, he came up with a conclusion with his wild imagination: “.........................Could it be that there’s something going on between the two? !”

The man who was reviewing the video still didn’t reply. He took the pen to write down some numbers on the writing tablet next to him. After a long while, as Xiao Rui’s bottom was pointing higher and higher, Lu Sicheng finally asked without looking up: “What something?”

“Tong Yao’s room is right across from Little Dubhe’s computer. The girl opens her door and the first thing she meets is the pair of eyes behind that computer. They smile bashfully and greet each other. Finally, after being under the same roof for some time, affection between the two develops…...Thus began the underground love affair between the kid and the girl.”

“Oh.” Lu Sicheng responded, still looking downward to jot something on the writing tablet.

Xiao Rui: “These two look quite well-matched. Little Dubhe is a little over 1.7m now and still growing. I figure he’ll eventually be at your height.”

Xiao Rui: “You’re getting old. After you retire, Little Dubhe will replace you to be the first adc of the team and pair with Tong Yao.”

Xiao Rui: “Oops, I can’t control my imagination-- --You know it isn’t true that they said our team doesn’t allow relationships within the team. All we have are male creatures here and even if you guys want to have a same gender relationship, I can’t stop you……”

Xiao Rui: “But, as the captain, you have better watch over these two kids more closely. Make sure they won’t let their love affair interfere with their training and ranks.”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Lu Sicheng reached over to click the pause key on the tablet and put down his pen.

Then he smiled and answered: “Sure.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Ackkk what does that smile mean Cheng ge!?

  2. Lu Sicheng hundred percent is going to use that as his reason to block Little Dubhe from hanging out with his girlfriend lol

  3. LMAO I can only imagine what he's thinking kwvaodkagwsghs this kid must take care from now on


  4. Oh god πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he didn't need motivation 😁😁😁😁

  5. wow an excuse to interfere was delivered on a silver platter and you even helped brew the vinegar. Well, it sounds like the kid needs to be taken down a peg anyway. He thinks he can't make it because the mid in his team is bad? Uh, how about you choose the right character first.

  6. Something dangerous is going happen next part. Lu Si Cheng is fully in vinegar mood. Xiao Rui you stupid added fuel on fire. Now Lu si cheng is in fire. So burn baby burn. Question is which baby? Dubhe or Tong Yao????

  7. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  8. Let's wait to see how vinegars volcano going to erupt... Bomb.
    Thanks for the update

  9. Xiao Rui absolutely feeding Sicheng's jealousy

  10. Xiao rui you evilπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. xiao rui look what have you done 🀣

  12. Hmmmm..... That smile..... Does looks a little dim, or is it filled with jealousy??

  13. In this series I just don't like one thing i.e. cheng smokes in the drama he used eat candies when he was upset or moody

    1. Sounds like censorship to me. They also relocated the men's room's conversations to the stairs, probably to keep the notion of the conversations happening at the same place while keeping the FL far away from the men's toilets (not to mention, eating candy in the toilet would just be gross).
