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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 78 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 78 Part 1

The contract Lin Chuyan signed with Pea TV was a little different, the website had modified it specifically for him.

One clause had been added to the contract-- --Lin Chuyan had to show his face while streaming.

It was a somewhat unusual clause for a streamer.

The website, to show their good faith, sent Lin Chuyan a good quality camera, microphone, and a lamp which could be placed on a bookshelf. The lamp was different from the usual lamps used in dorm rooms, it was a softer light, more suitable for filming.

The day of Lin Chuyan’s debut, Xiang Nuan asked him: “Do you need to put on some makeup?”

Lin Chuyan categorically refused: “No need.”

Xiang Nuan said: “You should at least shape your eyebrows or something? At least be respectful to the audience.”

Lin Chuyan was quiet on the other end of the phone for a while then said: “I don’t have the money.”

“You don’t even have 20 RMB?”


Xiang Nuan suddenly understood why Lin Chuyan agreed to be a streamer. She felt for him and transferred a thousand to him. “You keep it for now. Let me know if you need more.”

“I won’t take money from women.”

“But what about eating?”

“I’ll eat with Zheng Dongkai and them.”

Xiang Nuan thought about it and asked: “Then, how about I go over to shape your eyebrows for you?”

Lin Chuyan chuckled lightly: “Alright.”

Then Lin Chuyan drove all of his roommates out into the study room and waited in the dorm room for Xiang Nuan to come.

-- --

While Xiang Nuan wasn’t good at putting on makeup, she could handle simple eyebrow shaping. Besides, she liked to do makeup for others. She especially felt accomplished after braiding or dressing up her dolls.

She came with an entire bag of cosmetics. There was also a water replenishing face mask. She figured that if Lin Chuyan changed his mind and wanted to put on some makeup……

When Xiang Nuan arrived, she found Lin Chuyan alone in his dorm room.

She had heard that the boys dorm was usually messy and untidy. She had prepared herself to see a dirty room, but when she stepped into the room, she found it wasn’t that bad at all. The room was rather clean, without any odors, nothing strewn around, and was quite open and bright

Lin Chuyan poured a cup of water for Xiang Nuan. Xiang Nuan looked at him with a smile: “Are you nervous?”

“Why am I nervous?”

“It’s the first time.” Xiang Nuan let Lin Chuyan sit on a chair. She stood in front of him and asked: “Are you sure you don’t want any makeup? Do you want to reconsider?”


“Think about it, I’ll shape your eyebrows for you first.”

Lin Chuyan sat on the chair and closed his eyes. Xiang Nuan used an eyebrow pencil to measure out the three points for shaping the eyebrows. She noticed that Lin Chuyan’s eyelashes quivering slightly, so she comforted him: “Don’t be nervous.”

“Then give me a kiss.”

Xiang Nuan lowered her head to give him a kiss on his face. But Lin Chuyan opened his eyes and looked up at her with a smile: “You have to kiss here.” He pointed at his lips.

“Lin Chuyan, I’m warning you. If you keep pushing your luck, I’ll shave off all of your eyebrows.”

The threat was strong enough to make Lin Chuyan sit in silence.

There wasn’t much Xiang Nuan needed to do to shape Lin Chuyan’s eyebrows. She finished very quickly, then used the eyebrow pencil to even out the colors and a sponge to clean the lines.

She lightly patted his face when she finished: “Ah, where did this handsome guy come from?”

Lin Chuyan chuckled and opened his eyes to look at Xiang Nuan.

His eyes were bright and fixed on Xiang Nuan. She blushed and turned to put down the eyebrow pencil: “I mean, you really don’t want to put on some makeup? Want to give it a try?”

The man behind her didn’t say anything.

Xiang Nuan was a bit uneasy about the silence and gathered all the cosmetics she had brought: “Nevermind if you don’t want to. Then I’ll be going? Go for it tonight.”

She carried her bag to the door and turned around to say goodbye to Lin Chuyan.

Translated by Team DHH at

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