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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 77 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 77 Part 3

Lin Xueyuan put down his cell phone and sneered: “Punk, if I fall for your tricks again, I’ll call you dad.”

Yue Yingying’s eyes were reddish from crying in excitement earlier.  She knew the content of the conversation between his husband and son. She was a little worried: “Chuyan doesn't have money to go on a date. What if Nuannuan gives him the cold shoulder because of that?”

Lin Xueyuan gave her a smile and said: “Do you remember when I just got into college, even my sneakers had patches on them. Did you give me the cold shoulder because of that?”

“To tell the truth, I did mind it a little bit at the time.”

“......” Lin Xueyuan didn’t know how to carry on the conversation.

Yue Yingying reminisced about those earlier days and added: “But later on you were so nice to me and I didn’t mind it anymore.”

Lin Xueyuan felt like he had at least saved some face.

Yue Yingying thought about the past with a faint smile on her face: “I still remember when I wanted to get a new recorder, you suddenly bought one for me. Afterwards, you told me you were too busy with your side jobs to eat meals with me. I found out later that you were only eating plain steamed buns…...There was another time that I found a skirt I really liked and you bought it without even telling me. You spent all the money you earned in that one month……” Yue Yingying was feeling like crying again: “I’m so glad I met you.”

Lin Xueyuan hugged his wife and smiled: “Me too.”

He grew up with hardship and didn’t think too much of it. He said: “So you see, if Chuyan really wants to treat Xiang Nuan nicely, he will figure out ways himself. He’ll maybe take on some side jobs.”

“What if he doesn’t?”

“If he doesn’t do it, that means he isn’t serious about Xiang Nuan.”

“Then I’ll break his legs.”

-- --

The day Xiang Nuan received the new sneakers, Lin Chuyan also received a new cell phone, from Xiang Nuan.

He was delighted, yet sad at the same time.

He felt like Xiang Nuan was like his sugar daddy……

He decided he couldn’t go on like this.

Lin Chuyan did simple market research to see the potential income for different side jobs he could do. Finally, he called Hu Ge on the phone.

Three days later, Xiang Nuan learned that Lin Chuyan had signed up with Pea TV to be a game stream host.

Xiang Nuan felt like it would be a fun thing to do: “I want to do it too, I want to do it too.”

“You can’t.”

“Why not? They invited me before.”

“It’s too hard to be a female host.”

The hardship Lin Chuyan meant was more of the psychological one. Lin Chuyan had found out that most female hosts would be teased by the audience, with frivolous or even down right nasty language.

He couldn’t stand Xiang Nuan being treated this way. He felt bad just by thinking about it.

Xiang Nuan was a little sorry about it: “You can earn money with games, I want to have a side job too.”

“I’ll earn money and we’ll spend it together. It’s the same.”

“It’s not the same. I want to earn it myself.”

“But you can’t be a host.”

“Alright, I won’t be one. I won’t.”

Xiang Nuan found a place online which helped boost players. She got the job as a player and because of her high rank, she was hired as a “Golden Player.”

Xiang Nuan was ready to earn big money!

The same night she got hired, she received a request from a customer. The customer was at Master 40 stars; the request was to get up to 45 stars, 100 for each star.

Xiang Nuan played the whole night and successfully lost 2 stars for the customer. She had to pay 300 to the customer.

After the failed attempt, Xiang Nuan never mentioned having a side job again.

Translated by Team DHH at