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Friday, May 8, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 92 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 92 Part 2

Half an hour later, Tong Yao arrived at the arena. She sat with Jinyang at the section reserved for YQCB fans. It so happened that fans of both YQCB and ZGDX were all sitting at the right side of the audience. Many ZGDX fans had already arrived and sat some rows behind
Tong Yao. When they saw Tong Yao sitting down in the same section with them, they all felt like they had hit the jackpot. They first took out their cell phones to take pictures, then went over to ask for her autograph.

This was the second time Tong Yao had come in close contact with ZGDX fans in the audience.

But last time, she was sitting there not as a professional player, yet now-- --

“Our match is the second one today. The Hub is out of the way for most people, thank you everyone for coming all this way to support us.”

“I’m here with my friend, uh, uh, it’s Ai Jia’s girlfriend…...Are there any YQCB fans, raise your hands? Ah, hahaha, I see the LED boards for Pope right next to the ones for Cheng Ge. I know what you guys are trying to do-- --”

“Sure, I can sign it for you. Certainly I can…...It’s alright to take pictures together too. When you post the pictures, make sure you photoshop it. Don’t just photoshop yourself, that would be a crime. Come, come, one, two, three……”

Before the start of the match, Tong Yao was surrounded by fangirls.

As she was happily chatting with the fans, Tong Yao heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground behind her. The sounds felt familiar. She stopped and turned to take a look. Then she met a pair of somewhat familiar eyes-- --The young lady was slightly bending over to get to her own seat with a few ZGDX support banners in her hand. Obviously, she was giving away those banners at the back rows earlier and was just returning to her seat now.

The moment she saw Tong Yao, the young lady also was taken aback. Tong Yao quickly remembered who the young lady was. Tong Yao’s mouth curved up, showing a wide smile: “Ah, it’s you!”

The young lady was the one who Tong Yao had met during the finals at the spring competition. She was a fan of Ming god and at that time, she said she wouldn’t be following esports after Ming god’s retirement. Tong Yao didn’t expect to see her here-- --The young lady also recognized Tong Yao and bashfully smiled, pointing at her own wrist without saying anything-- --Tong Yao looked over and saw a fluorescence bracelet on her wrist, with clear markings on it: ZGDX, Smiling, Fighting!

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao widened her eyes and couldn't believe what she had seen. Bright colors flashed in Tong Yao’s black pupils!

The other girls who were with the shy young lady also came over to hug the latter’s shoulder and chimed in, giggling all the while-- --

“Such a big surprise. We would never have thought that the new player of our favorite team is sitting right next to us!”

“You even dissed those men who looked down at girl players at that time, hahahahahaha! We were wondering at the time who that girl was, you were so sharp that we almost became your fans back then.”

“It turns out you’re the new mid of our team. Wow, when we saw your picture in the official announcement, our chat group exploded. We all couldn’t believe our eyes!”

The young lady with banners in her hand went to sit down at her own seat with her friends. She gave one banner for the summer competition to Tong Yao and said in a small voice with a smile: “It’s still free this time.”

Tong Yao looked at the banner, then lifted it up to cover her face giggling all the while.

Tong Yao’s eyes had narrowed to a slit. She felt an indescribable joy and besides thinking “she hadn’t left; it’s wonderful that she still loves this circle”, all she could think was “I also have fans, ahhh”-- --

Tong Yao: “It’s nice that you stayed.”

“En.” The young lady lowered her head and smiled bashfully: “I stayed because there’s a new player who’s worthy of being liked and followed.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Translated by Team DHH at




  2. See Tong yao? A player and fan relationship can be so precious and beautiful. It's not all dirty and messed up. Also not all male pro-gamers are scumbags. Ai Jia is faithful to your friend.

  3. Awesome... Smiling got her crazy fangirls too
    So cute
