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Monday, May 4, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 91 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 91 Part 3

Tong Yao turned the camera to face Jinyang and asked with little expression on her face: “Next subject, where’s your car?”

Jinyang pointed at YQCB’s parking garage. The two of them walked up to a fancy, red Maserati, the same model that Lu Sicheng had. The license plate was from out of town. Chen Jinyang slapped the key on the hood of the car!

Tong Yao lifted the selfie stick high up for everyone to see it clearly. Then she jogged back to her own base and stopped in front of a fancy blue Maserati. She also took out from her pocket a key and slapped it on the hood of this car!

Tong Yao: “Did you all see it? They are exactly the same!”

Tong Yao put away the car key and went back into the base. The rest of her team was sitting at their decks playing games at the moment. Only the two cats were lying on the sofa soaking in the sunlight, each taking up one end of the sofa.

Tong Yao walked over to Lu Sicheng and hung the key back on the lucky cat’s ear. Then she turned the camera at Lu Sicheng: “Captain, let me ask you a question for the masses out there: how much is that car outside?”

“It’s just a means of transportation, about a million or so.” Lu Sicheng was looking at the computer screen, earnestly farming. “Why are you asking?”

“Then, what’s the average yearly pay for a professional player?”

“Why are there so many questions?”


“About several tens of thousands, up to 70 to 80 thousand or as low as 20 to 30 thousand.”

“Ok, then the problem is, with this kind of income, how much love would a man have for a woman to spend a million or so to buy such a luxury car for her?”


Lu Sicheng’s champion suddenly paused for a moment.

He looked up, looking at the face behind the cell phone. He thought for a bit then asked a question of his own: “What do you think?”

Tong Yao found the answer to be rather weird. Why couldn’t he be more cooperative? She didn’t know how to continue.

As she was stumped about how to continue, she suddenly remembered the conversation she had with her captain 12 hours earlier. The conversation had gone something like this-- --

[I’ll give you the car out there.]

[Fine, then that fancy blue Maserati has the last name of Tong from now on.]

[Take it.]

Tong Yao: “............................”

Tong Yao: “Hrm.”

Fortunately, her camera’s resolution wasn’t very high and the stream was also too crowded, so the audience wasn’t able to clearly see her slightly pinkish cheeks……

She took a look at her captain who was still focusing on his game with a stone face. She then checked the bullet comments such as “Does your captain always have only one expression, which is no expression” “You won’t die if you say a few more words” “The just awoken captain looks especially handsome” “My roommate would like to hear Cheng Ge say some more words before he dies” “Set your camera straight. From this angle, Cheng Ge is even more handsome than the usual Cheng Ge. His nose is so straight, tsk, tsk, tsk”. Tong Yao paused for a while, then lifted her hand to pull her hair behind her ears.

She looked at the stream comments. All of them were about Lu Sicheng.

-- --Yet he’s mine, I won’t let you guys see him.

Tong Yao thought to herself.

Then, she said: “This edition of scientific investigation live stream will end here. Thank you very much for watching. We’ll meet next time.”

Because of her own inner emotional turmoil, she abruptly turned off her stream.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Hehe it back fired 😁😁😁😁

  2. Thank you for the chapterπŸ˜ƒ

  3. Soooooo cuuuuute!!! These two are adorable.

  4. Confused. Do you mean monthly salary? I thought tong yao has yearly salary of 800k?
