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Friday, May 29, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 96 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 96 Part 2

Tong Yao took a glance at the microphone in the reporter’s hand. Just as she had expected, the logo on the microphone showed that this reporter was from an infamous esports media outlet. They liked to take words out of context and stirred up controversies around players. Their reports had regularly been refuted by esports clubs and players and they apologized each time, but their reporters still kept doing the same thing-- --

A famous incident was when a player had said: “I think the Korean players have brought more things to the Chinese region when they first started to come over here.” But the media reported it as “A certain player has frankly pointed out that Korean players were only useful early on.”

Ai Jia also noticed who was asking the question and mockingly twitched the corner of his lips. It was obvious that he didn’t think this question was worthy of answering.

The atmosphere inside the room grew awkward.

That reporter sulkily sat back down when there were no answers forthcoming. But his question steered the interview towards a different direction, away from the matches themselves. Soon there was another report who stood up to ask-- --

Reporter: [Recently, there has been constant talk centered around the private love lives of professional players, as professional players yourselves, what do you think about all this?]

All the players from YQCB simply put down their microphones all together.

Seeing their reaction, Tong Yao felt like laughing but at the same time was somewhat annoyed by the question.

Little Fatty: [Just let it be, I don’t have any particular thoughts about it-- --Actually, we play games everyday at base with very limited contact with other people, so we’re basically all single.”

Old K grabbed the microphone from Little Fatty and added to make a point: “But that doesn’t mean we are monks in a temple-- --We can’t find girlfriends, not that we don’t want to, nor because we’re not allowed to do that-- --It’s very important to understand this.”

Reporter: [However, there are quite a lot of fans who wish that players could focus on playing games and winning championships, rather than thinking about other concerns-- --It’s like they  wish while you’re streaming ranked games, you should go check on stats or something during your breaks instead of going to play other odd games. There are quite a lot of these kinds of discussions on Tieba and other sites…...Fans just like to see you guys focusing on games and performing well.]

Lu Sicheng thought about it and used his left hand to pick up the microphone-- --Tong Yao had a feeling the man next to her was giving a signal that said: “pay attention, I’m going to make trouble.” She gave him an uneasy look and tugged Lu Sicheng’s right hand under the table.

It didn’t dissuade Lu Sicheng.

What followed was a show of Lu Sicheng’s amazing photographic memory and his caustic demeanor.

Lu Sicheng: “Allow me to rephrase what you just said and tell me if it makes sense or not: There are quite a lot of parents who wish their children could focus on their studies and earn higher scores in the entrance exam in order to get into Qinghua or Beida and not get caught up with other unrelated things-- --It’s like they wish you would go memorize English vocabulary or something during your breaks instead of going to play some other odd game. There are a lot of these kinds of discussions at places where parents enjoy line dancing…...Parents just like to see you guys focus on your studies, earn good grades, and have a better life.”

Reporter: “...........................”

Lu Sicheng: “It sounds quite reasonable.”

Little Fatty already burst into laughter as he applauded.

Ai Jia also clapped as well though without much expression on his face.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. lmao I thought exactly the same


  2. Little fatty.. so you're basically all single? Are you sure? Thanks for the update

  3. Hahaha since they are at the base all day hence they can'y find girlfriends. Cheng Ge is smart - he found a girlfriend on their base.. :D

  4. Thank you for the chapter😃

  5. I like the way Cheng ge put it. Those kinds of fans are totally unreasonable. These players are human too. They have a need for other things in life. Playing games can’t be the only thing they do in their lives

  6. LSC's tongue is as sharp as a saw😈
    He's like if you are bad I'm your dad😎
