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Friday, May 15, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 93 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 93 Part 3

It suddenly reminded Tong Yao of herself in the past. She had broken up with Jiang Yang simply because she couldn’t accept all the changes and issues that came about when he became a professional player from a normal high school boyfriend…...A wave of emotions overwhelmed her. Tong Yao patted her best friend’s back and remained silent.

The second match was about to begin.

In this match, YQCB didn’t use the strategy they had used in the previous match. Instead, they used the 4 protect 1 strategy, with their ADC as the nucleus-- --This method was somewhat outdated at this level of competition. It was difficult to achieve success with it.

…...But with Pope or Lu Sicheng as the team’s ADC, it was probably worth a try.

Tong Yao noticed that Ai Jia had picked Lulu, which he wasn’t very good at. She knew that YQCB was using this match to try out a new lineup while fighting against a stronger team such as Huawei. Since this was only one match at the group phase, it was alright to lose the match when they were trying out a new lineup and strategy. One team couldn’t just have one game plan. It was acceptable to make a small sacrifice in order to have a stronger team.

-- --Though the idea was a good one, it was more difficult to actually carry it out. YQCB obviously wasn’t quite ready to play 4 protect 1. Additionally, Huawei’s jungler, Li Huanshuo, wasn’t an easy player to deal with. Once Li Huanshuo figured out YQCB’s intentions, he started to attack bot from the beginning of the game!

Li Huanshuo was the kind of the players who couldn’t do much to help turn the team’s disadvantage around, but when the team was on the upswing, his performance was a world-class one. The match moved along quite quickly-- --

Huawei took first blood and took two more kills, pulling ahead of YQCB. It was almost the repeat of the last match but in reverse. After their support left bot, the support worked together with the jungler to attack YQCB’s mid. Then they turned to the top and took down the Rift Herald.

Within a short five minutes, Li Huanshuo had five kills.

Commentator A: [It’s only been seven minutes and none of YQCB’s champions have reached level 6. YQCB’s a bit off this match.]

Commentator B: [Honestly, if Pope breaks down, then there’s not much left for YQCB to go on. Lulu hasn’t dealt any damage…...Frankly, I don’t understand why he took Lulu, any other champion that could deal some damage would be better than her.]

Commentator A: [Yeah, yeah.]

Tong Yao twitched the corner of her lips, figuring that the commentators didn’t realize the possibility that the team was trying out a new lineup…...Unfortunately, the game went just as they said. Ai Jia couldn’t get the upper hand in his lane and YQCB was powerless in team fights because Pope hadn’t been able to develop well-- --

During the team fights, it looked like Ai Jia was dodging about for 8 seconds out of a 10 second team fight.

Basically, he didn’t have much of a chance to do anything before the match ended.

The match was over in about 30 minutes when Huawei pushed into YQCB’s base. When the match ended, the entire team except Pope seemed to be satisfied by their result……

“It looks like 4 protect 1 isn’t really useful this season. Too bad, Pope didn’t do so well either. He and Cheng Ge seem to come from the same mold. No matter what lineup they have, they start the round by getting ganked……” Tong Yao moved her body a bit and added: “No, he’s even more aggressive than Cheng Ge.”


“Are you alright?” Tong Yao elbowed the shoulder of Jinyang.

“Sure, I’m alright. It’s just losing a match, it’s not the first time I’ve seen him lose.” Jinyang shrugged: “He didn’t win many matches during the Spring season either. What the heck, do you think that I can’t take it now after just one loss. It doesn’t matter. Isn’t there another match? As long as he can win the next one back……”

She sounded rather careless.

But her words abruptly stopped when a stack of support banners smacked her on the head.

Jinyang was stunned and turned around. She saw that talkative fangirl earlier standing behind her in a rage. The fangirl looked down at Jinyang and said: “What do you mean by it doesn’t matter? ! It’s because there’s people like you that players don’t care how well they play. Wasn't Ai Jia’s performance bad enough in this match? What’s the use to have a mid like him where he couldn’t do anything at the team fights? What are you protecting him for and even bringing Smiling with you to make Pope the scapegoat! We’ve come all this way to watch the game to see them win! Please don’t make such annoying comments!”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Iep. Fans can be rather dangerous.. what the heck. Tong Yao might flip now



  3. wow this bitch.. snarky comments wasn't enough you got physical? Pft if you're so good why don't YOU play pro and win. Idiot.

  4. She is not his sponsor or his boss, she is his girlfriend. She doesn't need to give a fucking damn if her boyfriend didn't win a game. They can still eat, sleep and have a candle light dinner with or without a champion's glory. If they end up getting married, Jinyang will be the one to accompany him until his hairs turn grey, not you who is throwing support banners around, getting violent.

    Now... chill the fuck down...bitch.

    Thank you for the update!
