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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 75

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 75

When Xiang Nuan said those words, she looked down, refusing to look Lin Chuyan in the eyes.

She still found it rather uneasy about confessing to him.

Lin Chuyan stopped walking; Xiang Nuan, still staring at the ground, grew more nervous.

Lin Chuyan didn’t say anything, but Xiang Nuan felt that her body had suddenly left the ground.

“Ah!” Xiang Nuan called out in shock.

Lin Chuyan had picked her up and carried her in his arms horizontally. He was quite strong; it seemed effortless for him to carry her.

“You, you, you, what are you doing, put me down…...someone’s looking……”

Lin Chuyan didn’t seem to hear her and carried her down the sidewalk.

Xiang Nuan’s body rhythmically rocked ever so slightly with each of Lin Chuyan’s steps, as if she was lying in a cradle. She was a little anxious but didn’t know what to say: “Why are you behaving like a bandit……”

Lin Chuyan carried her behind a sycamore tree.

The sycamore tree was planted behind the street lights and it’s bulky trunk blocked all the light from the other side. When he put down Xiang Nuan, Xiang Nuan’s eyes hadn’t gotten used to the sudden darkness. She leaned against the tree and felt darkness suddenly fall upon her.

Lin Chuyan kissed her.

He kissed her on the lips. He used some force as their soft lips pressed against each other.

When eyes can't see, one’s sense of touch becomes even more sensitive and clear. Xiang Nuan felt like fireworks were exploding in her head. She closed her eyes, her limbs stiffened out of nervousness, and she remained nailed to the spot, too afraid to move.

Their breathing gradually hastened and grew short.

The air surrounding them seemed to heat up, turning their faces burning hot.
Lin Chuyan’s hands slowly moved up from Xiang Nuan’s shoulder and cupped her face. He used his palms to lightly hold the sides of her face. He could feel the sensation in his palms: silken, smooth, soft, delicate…...He carefully held her face in his hands while using the pads of his fingers to caress her skin. His breathing grew even more erratic.

The beating of Xiang Nuan’s heart seemed to be out of control. She was extremely nervous and found it hard to breath. She moved her head a bit to get some fresh air.

The kiss abruptly ended. Lin Chuyan was reluctant to take his hands off her face. His fingertips still softly moved up and down her skin, gentle and unhurried, as if to soothe her but it also felt like it was trying to seduce her.

In the darkness, Xiang Nuan leaned against the tree trunk and calmed herself down. After a while, she whispered: “We, we should get back now.”

They walked out from behind the tree.

Xiang Naun then discovered that her legs felt like jelly.

She didn’t know that kissing could take so much energy.

When they were back under the street lighting, Xiang Nuan felt like everyone knew what had happened earlier and avoided eye contact with any passerby.

Lin Chuyan lowered his head to look at her: “Your face is really red?” He didn’t know his voice was somewhat husky until he opened his mouth.

Xiang Nuan, however, didn’t notice the difference in his voice. She rubbed her face and tried to rationalize it: “It’s because I had too much to drink at dinner.”

Lin Chuyan curved his lips and uttered a long ohhhhhhh.

Xiang Nuan was embarrassed by his meaningful ohhhhhhh and quickened her steps.

Lin Chuyan hurried to catch up with her, wanting to hold her hand.

She avoided him: “Go away, animal.”

Lin Chuyan chuckled out loud. His laughter was soft but very pleasant to the ears. “This is animal?” He said: “There’s more-- --”

Xiang Nuan hurriedly interrupted him: “Don’t you say it!”

Lin Chuyan closed his mouth obediently, but thought to himself: I won’t say it, I’ll just do it.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thank you. But you mix-up Nuannuan with Tong Yao. Cheng Gw will hunt you down if don't edit it.
