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Friday, April 24, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 89 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 89 Part 3

Lu Sicheng’s reply came after a little while-- --

[fhdjwhdb2333: Even a cat can sleep with his wife in his arms.]

[ZGDX, smiling: Dabing is an eunuch.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Even an eunuch cat can sleep with his wife in his arms.]

[ZGDX, smiling: Xiao Cong is the little brother.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Even an eunuch cat can sleep with his little eunuch wife in his arms.]

[ZGDX, smiling: And you, all you have is League of Legends.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: ……]

Tong Yao put down her cell phone and stopped talking nonsense with Lu Sicheng. She dried her hair and climbed into her bed. She checked her messages on WeChat while lying under the blanket. She noticed that Jinyang didn’t leave any messages for her, which seemed rather unusual. She sent an emoji to tease Jinyang, then left WeChat to check some gossip on Tieba-- --

She indeed found one post which had some connection to her own club.

[Thanks to Xu Tailun, professional clubs have started making changes to how they manage their players. YQCB was the first one to set a curfew: players are not allowed to go out on their own after 10 pm]

OP: I understand some Korean. Today when I was watching Lu Sicheng’s stream, he asked Li Junhe to go out to have a drink. Li Junhe told Lu Sicheng that because of his comments during the interview, now YQCB has made major changes and is forbidding players to go out by themselves after 10 pm during work days!

Shit, isn’t that something!

Isn’t it like being in a jail? Every night after they close the door at base, everyone could study for the college entrance exam and a few years later, after they win the championship, it would be like a piece of cake for them to get in Qinghua and Beijing universities, hahahahahahahahahaha!]

Most of the comments underneath all thought it was a good thing and praised the club for doing so. Tong Yao kept looking, then the opinions seemed to have changed somewhat. Someone suggested-- --

[I totally agree with what Lu Sicheng said. In reality, it isn’t just the problem with the Korean help. Some of the Chinese players are also having affairs with their fans, with the advantage of speaking the same language, hehe……]

[That’s right, that’s right.]

[No need to praise that relegation team, YQCB. Take their mid, Ai Jia, for example, his girlfriend shows up at their base all the time. It seems that she isn’t staff there. She’s pretty, but doesn’t seem to be working. I figure she probably lives off Ai Jia?]

[Ai Jia is good looking too.]

[Don’t talk that way. It looks to me that Ai Jia and that girl are in a normal relationship.]

[It would be something if it’s a normal relationship. Would any 20 year old girl wear luxury items all over her? Don’t speak up if you don’t recognize those luxury brands. One of the handbags on Ai Jia’s girlfriend could pay for your food bills for a whole year.]

[Shit, are you for real? Xixixi, how much money does Ai Jia spend on his girlfriend. He would lose everything if she kicked him off after he retires.]

After reading up to this point, Tong Yao finally knew why Jinyang was so quiet tonight.

These overzealous people suspected that all relationships with players were improper affairs.

Tong Yao used her alternate id and commented under one of the posts which claimed that Ai Jia had to eat dirt and drink tap water in order to support his girlfriend: “Bullshit, that girl’s monthly spending money is more than what you can make in 10 years.” Then she received a message from Jinyang on WeChat-- --

[Ah Mao’s mom: I got brought into this wave of gossip. You’d probably go down the rabbit hole if you see them. But I suggest that you don’t go on Tieba and lower yourself to their level.]

Tong Yao thought about what she said and didn’t know how to reply.

She switched gears and continued her battle on Tieba.

Then she suddenly saw a comment-- --

[Women are dreadful. I’m glad Cheng Ge is still single. I don’t want any woman to influence his professional performance. I beg all men and women to do me a favor and stay away from him.]

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao put down her cell phone and pulled her hair behind her ears.

She thought about it for a while then covered herself with the blanket. It was the first time she felt that declaring she had a normal and pure relationship was even more difficult than coming out of the closet.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. It's been a few hours that they started dating and she's already having cold feet.. Cheng Ge Jiaou

  2. Cheng Ge is going to fight another battle in love relationship soon

  3. Tong Yao needs to stop caring too much about people are saying and doing and actually look at Li Sicheng's attitude
    Poor Jinyang tsk tsk

  4. I find the chapters similar to the Chinese drama series adaptation. I'm loving it!

    Watch Falling into your smile everyone!
