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Saturday, April 18, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 88 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 88 Part 3

Jinyang left in the evening.

Tong Yao was leaning on the back of Lu Sicheng’s chair watching him play. Then she found him involved in a conversation in Korean with someone with an id she didn’t recognize. They talked before the game started and continued after the game had started-- --Tong Yao didn’t know Korean, but she recognized some of the Korean words kept popping up, such as hahaha, hehehe, or wuwuwuwuwu. She thought about it and asked: “Captain, who are you talking to?”

“A normal social contact.”


“The AD next door.”


Oh, it was Pope from next door.

“What are you two talking about so happily?”

Lu Sicheng turned sideways ever so slightly to glance at the person who was leaning on his chair like a gecko. Tong Yao shrunk back a little. Lu Sicheng turned his face back and slowly said: “This is what happens when you don’t read books nor newspapers. Ever since the Xu Tailun incident, plus our interviews yesterday-- --public opinion is questioning whether all the foreign help in China have disciplinary problems. A lot of clubs are reasserting their management over their players. I asked Li Junhe whether we can go do something together later, like getting some drinks. He said the club has curfews now, they can’t go out after 10 pm unless it’s a team activity and someone from management has to tag along. Otherwise, all they can do is order takeout even if they’re famished.”


To Tong Yao, it sounded like they were overdoing it.

Tong Yao looked behind herself at the sofa where Xiao Rui was sitting enjoying his time with a cat in each hand. Tong Yao jokingly said to him: “Rui Ge, did you hear? The other clubs have started to make changes, we can’t lag behind.”

“I heard it, I heard it.” Xiao Rui moved Dabing’s fat claw away from Xiao Cong’s head: “Our team is very self-disciplined. We don’t need to do all that.”

“......Your team’s AD was just inviting the other team’s AD to go out to have a drink. What self-discipline!”

Tong Yao lifted her hand to point at Lu Sicheng from above his head.

She was stretching her neck to look at the direction of the living room.

Just then, the man who was playing a game at the moment seemed to have eyes on the top of his head and reached up with one hand and held Tong Yao’s hand in his. Tong Yao was taken aback. She checked her surroundings to make sure no one was looking and tried with all her might to pull her hand out of his grip. Despite her efforts, Lu Sicheng’s grip was too strong. He used his fingers to forcefully separate Tong Yao’s fingers before pushing his long fingers in between hers-- --

Now their fingers were interlocked and palms pressed against each other.

The warm and dry palm closely touched hers.

Tong Yao quieted down. She put her chin on the back of his chair and carefully watched the two interlocking hands gradually come downwards. Lu Sicheng played with her hands for a while before calmly releasing her hand.

Tong Yao’s heartbeat was far from calm. She cleared her throat and stood up from her captain’s chair with the warmth still lingering in her palm…...She walked over to the living room and sat down on the sofa. She took Dabing from Xiao Rui….. and stroked Dabing a couple of times until her cell phone vibrated from inside her pocket. Tong Yao took it out to take a look-- --

[fhdjwhdb2333: Why is your hand so soft.]

Tong Yao: “.......................................”

One minute later, the cell phone in front of Lu Sicheng, who was concentrating on his game, lit up.

[rabbit holds tight of carrots: Rotten scoundrel!]

Translated by Team DHH at