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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 72 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 72 Part 2

Lin Chuyan put his arm around Xiang Nuan and pulled her closer. Xiang Nuan didn’t resist. A gloomy Xiang Nuan was as tame as a little bird. Lin Chuyan put one of his arms around her back and used the other hand to clasp her head, bracing Xiang Nuan in his arms.

“Don’t cry. Not worth it.” Lin Chuyan gently comforted her.

“I didn’t cry.” Xiang Nuan buried her face in front of his chest and awkwardly replied, her voice was a bit stifled. After a while, she was having trouble breathing and turned her face to the side, still resting on his chest.

She could feel his chest moving up and down, rhythmic and powerful like ocean waves.

Xiang Nuan felt a little better to have someone she could lean on like this. She sighed and said in a small voice: “I’m just somewhat disappointed.”

Lin Chuyan suddenly understood why she had such a strong reaction.

To him, playing professionally was just a profession, no different from any other profession. But in her eyes, it was a totally different thing. She was more passionate about playing the game than him and in her mind, the professional circle was the place where all the top players congregate, a glorious place. She asked to tour the base like a fan going to see the idol she worshiped.

There was nothing more cruel than witnessing her idol’s image collapse right in front of her eyes.

Lin Chuyan felt sorry for her and rubbed her head, comforting her: “That Manager Zhang can only speak for himself. He’s not representative of the whole business. You don’t have to feel disappointed at the whole professional circle just because of him.”

“Oh, right.”

Xiang Nuan felt much better after hearing his explanation. She found it amazing how Lin Chuyan could make her feel better just with a few words: “Lin Chuyan, you really know how to cheer people up.”

Lin Chuyan smiled: “Then, how are you going to reward me?”

“I’ll give you a big watermelon. Let me go, quick. Someone’s coming.”

“You’re quick in kicking down the ladder. Such a bad person.”

Xiang Nuan got goosebumps hearing his slow, low voice.

Lin Chuyan released her in the end.

A teenager wearing a sports outfit quickly passed by them on a bicycle. Xiang Nuan took a look at him. An expression of surprise flashed on the teenager’s face and he lost control of the bicycle, bumping into the roadside curb. Since he was riding rather fast, he was thrown off the bike and onto a lawn on the roadside.

Xiang Nuan was afraid that the rider had been seriously injured.

Lin Chuyan was surprised by how lethal his girlfriend’s good looks were.

Xiang Nuan and Lin Chuyan went over to help the teenager up. The teenager was in good spirits and didn’t seem to be hurt. He asked Xiang Nuan: “Do you live nearby? Or do you work around here? I don’t know how to thank you, can I buy you dinner? If it’s not convenient for you now, can I add you on WeChat?”

Lin Chuyan said: “Your leg seems to have broken.”

“No, it’s not broken, not broken. I’m quite well.”

“I’ll break it for you.”


Frightened, the teenager pulled the bicycle up and ran away.

Xiang Nuan was amused.

Lin Chuyan got a phone call. Xiang Nuan heard him talking on the phone: “You’re coming today? Right now? Immediately? As you wish.”

After he hung up the phone, Xiang Nuan asked: “Who’s coming?”

“Hu Ge. He’s boarding soon.”

“Why is he coming here?”

“He said for a change of scenery.”

They went their separate ways back to each other's campus for classes afterwards. Lin Chuyan was a little depressed; despite attending the same university, they were actually in a long distance relationship.

Fortunately, they could see each other again that night.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Lmao "I'll break it for you". Too good XDD thanks for the chapter :D

  2. Lmao Chuyan is jealous of a teen boy. Wow Hu ge really misses him. He followed in less than 48 hours
