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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 71 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 71 Part 2

After lunch, Oblivion planned to go to Club Heat’s base right away. Xiang Nuan wished she could see how an esports club looks. Since she didn’t have class after lunch, she asked: “Can I go tour your club?”

“Not sure. Let me call my manager to ask.”

Lin Chuyan asked Oblivion when he saw him taking out his cell phone: “How do you plan to ask?”

“I’ll just ask whether I can bring someone to tour the club.”

“What if the manager refuses? You don’t know the manager that well yet.” Lin Chuyan asked a reasonable question.

Oblivion, stupefied, wasn’t sure what to do.

Lin Chuyan felt Oblivion was a bit too gullible. He used his index finger to tap the table: “Just tell the manager that we’re your friends. Your family is concerned about you coming to Nanshan by yourself to try out and has asked us to come with you to check the place out. You hope the club understands.”

Hearing Lin Chuyan’s explanation, Oblivion felt like he had gained some insight.

“You’re really smart.” Oblivion didn’t forget to praise Lin Chuyan.

“You’re really sneaky.” Xiang Nuan said.

Lin Chuyan messed up Xiang Nuan’s hair.

Professional teams usually cared very much about each player’s family’s opinion. It wasn’t about whether the family was wealthy or not, but the family’s attitude towards the profession was very important. If the family was willing to support the player, then there would be much less confrontation and the player could focus on preparing for competitions with a peace of mind.

The club manager agreed to have Oblivion’s friends over without any hesitation after Oblivion made the request: “Come, have them come and take a look.”

Xiang Nuan was excited to have a chance to visit a professional team first hand.


Club Heat’s base was located at a big fancy house in the suburbs. Outside the front door, there was a large sign with the logo of the club, a ball of fire. The club had many divisions for different games. The Kings of Glory division had just been set up last year. Xiang Nuan and the other two were stopped at the reception desk. Oblivion called the manager in front of the receptionist and waited for some time before Manager Zhang showed up.

When Manager Zhang walked into the lobby, his eyes immediately brightened up.

“How are you? How are you?” Manager Zhang was very enthusiastic, running over to shake hands with them.

Lin Chuyan was a bit averse to his attitude and pulled Xiang Nuan behind him while cautiously eyeing the manager.

Manager Zhang didn’t take any offense, put his hand down, and asked Lin Chuyan: “Are you Oblivion? You’re a really handsome guy.”

After he finished saying that, he saw a dark skinned young man raise his hand beside him: “I’m Oblivion……”

“Uh, you……” Manager Zhang was a little embarrassed: “En, you’re handsome too.” Just a bit too dark, he thought to himself.

It seemed to Xiang Nuan that the manager’s concerns were rather unusual. People didn’t use their faces to play games. Whether the player was handsome or not shouldn’t be an issue?

Ever since the manager saw their faces, he had become unusually enthusiastic. He led all three of them on a tour of the base; the training area, the dorms, the meeting room, the gym, the kitchen…...He asked them questions as he showed them around, asking them what champions they played in Kings of Glory, how they did, what rank, champion preferences…...a very talkative person.

Xiang Nuan didn’t trust this person very much. She was worried about Oblivion’s future in the club.

After they had toured the base, Manager Zhang asked to test their skill by playing a game.

It wasn’t just testing Oblivion’s skill, but all three of them -- -- including Xiang Nuan and Lin Chuyan.

Xiang Nuan and Lin Chuyan looked at each other and both of them could read from the other’s eyes that they found the situation rather strange.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. 😒 i enjoyed the novel until it started with the comments of "dark skin"

    1. Me too.. a little bit disturbed about that.

    2. Me too. I have realized Asian culture is very colourist and I'm sure that will turn to being racist too. That disturbs me a lot.

  2. The obsession with fair skin in chinese culture is real. Every single chinese novel I've read can't just stop talking about how fair or dark a person's skin is and how important it is to your beauty🙄

    1. It's literally every where in Asia. Majority here prefer white skin...Cnovels are nothing in front of the amount of fairness cream are advertised here

  3. We are the same in our country. You not dark skinned enough...
