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Saturday, March 21, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 84 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 84 Part 1

The next day was their scheduled training match against Team OP.

Despite being a practice game, Tong Yao and her teammates were of a particular mindset going into the game after they witnessed the Qing Dynasty incident last night-- --The Korean team OP happened to schedule the match at a time when the entire ZGDX team was itching for a fight against Korean players. The entire team had gotten up early to play ranked matches to get into the mode……

They were only one third of the way through the Chinese regional competition and the world tournament was still a long ways away. It wasn’t easy to have the chance to play a match against the Koreans. All they could do was try to arrange skirmishes against Korean teams-- --

After getting up in the morning, Little Fatty sent a moving and seemly inspirational Weibo post-- --

[Have you ever seen Shanghai at 7 am?]

Most of the ZGDX fans in Shanghai had similar replies:............................................Who hasn’t, except you?

Tong Yao: “I have never seen Little Fatty at 7 am, that’s the truth.”

“Don’t say anything. You’re the one who got up last today, coming down at 9. I’ve already played two ranked games. Tell me, do you not want to win today?” Little Fatty punched his keyboard without looking up. “Come on, come on, this idiot AD. Ahhhhh, he’s afraid to go in, then why are you playing AD, just go play snake-- --I recommend that you buy the book <On self-improvement as an AD>, written by Lu Sicheng.”

Tong Yao went behind Little Fatty and quickly hit tab to check the AD’s stats, 0 kills, 4 deaths, and 1 assist. The match was already at the 12 minute mark, no wonder Little Fatty was going crazy-- --

As Tong Yao was watching, this AD was still busying farming and died again to the enemy jungler…...The entire team, including Little Fatty, began cursing the AD in chat.

Tong Yao: “......Why get so angry.”

Little Fatty: “I’ll fall back to Diamond One if I lose this match.”

Tong Yao: “Oh.”

Little Fatty: “This month’s pay is walking away again.”

Tong Yao became quiet after hearing Little Fatty. She stepped back from Little Fatty’s chair. Little Fatty sensed her silence and sadly glanced back at Tong Yao: “Tong Yao, you’ve changed. When you first came here, you were willing to play duos with me at the time.”

“That’s true.” Tong Yao twitched the corner of her lips: “Until I saw you use Orianna, Yasuo, and Leblanc as support…...Honestly, isn’t it quite scary that you, a support, have such a similar champion pool as me, a mid?”

Lu Sicheng happened to come out from the kitchen and heard the conversation between Tong Yao and Little Fatty. He took a sip of his coffee before putting down the cup and said: “Little Fatty, don’t you feel ashamed mentioning your past history of bullying a newcomer.”

Little Fatty deflated his mouth and went back to his games.

Lu Sicheng went to sit down in his own seat: “You up.”

Tong Yao: “Uh.”

Lu Sicheng turned his head: “Duos?”

Tong Yao: “I’m at Challenger, can’t play duos.”

Lu Sicheng calmly said: “Oh. Lu Yue helped you drop back down to Masters yesterday.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “Duos or not?”

Little Fatty: “What’s wrong with you two playing duos everyday.”

Lu Sicheng: “Get more points.”

Little Fatty: “Can’t you help me, the poor little support? I never see you this enthusiastic when playing with me. Tell me, are you looking down on the support?”

Lu Sicheng: “When I want to lose some points, I’ll play with you.”

Little Fatty: “......”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. duos everyday?~ oho?? Always de-ranking one way or another so they can play duo?~ :3

  2. This is how they flirt, fatty


  3. What he really wants is hubby material points lil fatty, you just give up.hahhaha
    Thank you translatir sama and team dhh

  4. I miss playing rank games with my boyfriend.. waa ;~;

  5. Been itching to play but dont know 😂

  6. Oh now, I finally got it! I always wonder why the captain, the most experienced player in their team always played all night but never got higher rank. I thought hes just bored.. now I got it..hahaha.. clever move, Captain!

    1. Mesmo que ele seja experiente e bom, Gheng Ge tem a mania de ficar AFK quando uma partida não o agrada e isso faz ele perder pontos depois, mesmo que o time vença.

  7. Is it just me or does it seem like Cheng Ge is actually silently encouraging his brother in messing up Tong Yao's account just so he has the opportunity to "help" her win back those points later? I mean, he doesn't actively try and discourage/stop Yue from using Yao's account, so it can be seen as tacit approval?
