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Saturday, March 14, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 83 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 83 Part 1

Tong Yao was streaming ranked matches when Xu Tailun was being exposed on Tieba. When she was waiting in queue, she went on Weibo to look around and happened to see someone had forwarded the Weibo posts from “In your name.” The moment she saw the picture of the little kitten, she realized what had happened.

She cried out: “Shit.” She almost wanted to raise both of her hands to declare that this time it wasn’t her who had started the controversy.

In the meantime, Old K who was playing duos with Tong Yao also saw the post on Weibo while waiting in queue. Before Tong Yao could stop him from shouting out loud, he called out: “Shit, who is this “In your name”? Qing Dynasty jungler’s fangirl? Is this that fangirl? What, she even bought a shirt for him-- --Why aren't there any fans buying a Givenchy for me?”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “Because you don’t have any fans.”

Old K ignored him and continued reading the Tieba posts: “Then who’s this ‘Guoguo?’ The one who liked the post from ‘In your name’?”

Little Fatty answered: “You idiot! Who else can it be? It must be ‘In your name’ herself! The same person! Xu Tailun always says that he and his girlfriend are so in love and PDA everyday on stream-- --Maybe something he said on one of the streams was the last straw and that fangirl became desperate, she exposed the whole thing herself! Nice!”

Lu Sicheng: “Why do you all like to gossip so much?”

Tong Yao: “Yeah, why gossip so much?  I have my stream on. Watch your language.”

Old K: “But he said Chinese LoL is weak.”

Little Fatty: “I feel like I’ve been stereotyped. My all Chinese team had just defeated him last week. Old K cornered him in the jungle. And he has the guts to say that Chinese LoL is weak?”

Old K: “Yeah, I really can’t stand this.”

Tong Yao watched them become more and more annoyed. While what they said was true, those words were still unsuitable for the public. If someone with ill intentions recorded them, then there might be another wave of controversies. Tong Yao turned to announce to the stream that she was going to rest now and would end the stream…...However, her fans weren’t stupid-- --

[Don’t turn it off, it’s just getting interesting!]

[.................................Don’t tell us you’re going to rest. You’ve been playing rank till one or two o’clock in the morning almost everyday lately. You want to turn off the stream so you can go watch more gossip, right?]

[66666666 Your teammates can really gossip!]

[But I feel the same as Little Fatty. Even though the Chinese region has never won the championship, I’m still very angry that he said our LoL is weak!]

[Don’t be angry. What he said is the naked truth. Let the Chinese team win the championship so we can slap his face.]

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, why do you say so at a time like this! Get lost!]

[So disappointed. I thought Xu Tailun was a very nice person……]


Tong Yao still turned off her stream against the protests of her chat.

She then indeed logged onto Tieba to continue to read gossip-- --

By this point, the whole thing wasn’t just a simple incident about Xu Tailun losing his fans.

They had dug out more posts from “In your name”, that made it impossible to brush aside, including how he conducted himself, how he recklessly called his teammates names while working for the Chinese club, and a bed photo-- --In the beginning, there still were people trying to whitewash the incident saying “who’s this” or “nowadays, anyone can create a Weibo account to post random WeChat conversations to lead the public on.”-- --Until the bed photo was posted. In the picture, Xu Tailun slept on the bed, covered by a blanket up to his chest, and in his arm, lied a girl with her face blurred……

No one could argue that they were in bed just to have a chat.

The ones who would defend Xu Tailun became fewer and fewer-- --

The image Xu Tailun had maintained up till now, “a nice guy” “studied hard to learn Chinese” “one of the Korean help who’s devoted and wants to win”, had totally collapsed.

Once in a while, there would be comments like “as long as he plays games well, it'll be fine”, then they would be attacked…...It was like when a wall was about to fall, more people would give it a shove. More and more people came to diss Xu Tailun and declare that they had turned from fans to anti-fans. One man claimed to be a staff member on Qing Dynasty who had come out to spill the beans-- --

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Wow it's chaos in the gaming world

  2. Justice! Serves him right

    Thanks 😘

  3. Thus is called justice 🙌🙌🙌🙌

  4. Karma b*tch. You reap what you sow.
    Thank you translator sama and team dhh

  5. How these fans love gossip as much as our YT
