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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 71 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 71 Part 1

Oblivion took off his jacket when he sat down for lunch. Xiang Nuan saw Oblivion was wearing a blue sweater under his jacket. There was a cute, big fish on the front of the sweater.

“This sweater is hand knitted, right?” She asked.

“En. My mom knitted it for me.”

Xiang Nuan was envious: “My mom never knitted sweaters for me, only for Xiaoxue.”

“Who’s Xiaoxue?”

“Our family cat.”

Oblivion chuckled. Xiang Nuan found that Oblivion liked to laugh. When he laughed, he was bashful and without sound, like moss quietly growing in a corner.

Xiang Nuan couldn’t help herself from looking at him a few more times. Oblivion actually had quite the looks, his straight nose especially made him look particularly robust. The ridges of his brow were high, making him look a bit stern, but when he smiled, his eyebrows dropped down giving him a mild mannered disposition.

The only thing was his skin color, which wasn’t popular among girls nowadays.

Lin Chuyan was a little displeased at Xiang Nuan staring at Oblivion: “Eat, why are you staring blankly?”

“Oh, oh.” Xiang Nuan realized that it was rather impolite to stare at Oblivion and felt a little embarrassed. She buried her head in her food.

She then discovered some pieces of fish in her bowl. They were from Lin Chuyan. She checked the fish pieces and found all the bones had been picked clean.

What a thoughtful gesture.

Xiang Nuan was surprised, but silently a little disgusted. All the fish pieces had been picked clean of bones using Lin Chuyan’s own chopsticks, his saliva was still on them……

“Can I not eat them?”

“I’ll slap you if you don’t eat them.”


Xiang Nuan felt the need to reexamine their relationship.

Oblivion got up to go to the restroom.

Lin Chuyan moved closer to Xiang Nuan and lowered his head to whisper in her ear: “Don’t be mad. I couldn’t stand to actually slap you.”

Whenever he spoke in a low and gentle tone of voice to her, no matter what he said, Xiang Nuan felt like she was floating in happiness. It was her body’s instinctive reaction by now.

She pushed him away and said in a small voice: “Lin Chuyan, are you trying to seduce me?”

Lin Chuyan chuckled out loud with his head bent downwards.

Xiang Nuan looked over and saw his slightly curved up lips. He wasn’t looking at her, but sitting straight up with his eyes looking at the empty dishes in front.

“You aren’t too dumb.” He said.

He admitted it just like that…...without feeling abashed at all…...Xiang Nuan didn’t know how to continue the conversation.

She could only bury her head in her food again and finish all the pieces of fish.

As she was eating the fish, Lin Chuyan added: “You’ll have to eat it sooner or later.”

Xiang Nuan was confused at what he was referring to. She didn’t realize what he meant until she had finished eating everything.

Lin Chuyan was a scoundrel indeed.

When Oblivion came back, he noticed that even Xiang Nuan’s ears were red. Lin Chuyan, on the other hand, was smiling. Oblivion didn’t know what Lin Chuyan had done to Xiang Nuan, but he figured it must be something embarrassing.

Then Oblivion also blushed.

The advantage of having darker skin was apparent now-- --No one could tell that he was blushing. He was also glad that he had gone to the restroom, otherwise if the couple kissed in front of him, it would make it even more awkward.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Scoundrel 😭😭😂

  2. Replies
    1. I'm gonna assume "she's gonna eat him (Lin Chuyan) sooner or later"

    2. I'm gonna assume "she's gonna eat him (Lin Chuyan) sooner or later"


  3. The only thing was his skin color, which wasn’t popular among girls nowadays.

    Like really. How colorist can this get..

  4. I'm gonna assume "she's gonna eat him (Lin Chuyan) sooner or later"
