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Friday, February 7, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 77 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 77 Part 4

Commentator A: [To be fair, Qing’s jungler is going too far.]

Commentator B: [Smiling must be yelling inside ‘Why’s this guy always gunning for me!’]

Commentator A: [But there’s no reason behind it. I have to be honest, it feels rather rude what he’s doing-- --I can’t tell what exactly Qing Dynasty’s is trying to do here. After ten minutes into the game, all I can tell is that they want to kill Smiling.]

Commentator B: [Hahahahaha, watch what you’re saying. Don’t blame me for not reminding you and don’t ask me why I said so. Later you’ll know after checking the kind of comments Qing Dynasty’s fans will be leaving under your Weibo.]

The commentators were baffled by the Qing Dynasty’s strategy as well as the audience.

As for Tong Yao, the person actually playing the game, she was simmering with rage. When Lee Sin showed up at mid for the fifth time, the cool down time of her flash ability happened to be up and Tong Yao flashed under the turret without a second’s thought the moment Lee Sin started to head her way. She saw Lee Sin follow after her-- --She had used all her damaging abilities and invited him, but at this point she was poorly equipped and couldn’t deal much damage to Lee Sin. Tong Yao calculated the damage she could cause and realized that the most she could get would be a trade-- --

Fortunately, a huge arrow shot from bot hit Lee Sin just in time!

Commentator A: [Ahhhhhh, it got him! ! ! What an angle! ! !]

Commentator B: [It’s from Lu Sicheng! Do they think there’s any use aiming solely at mid? Don’t forget bot also has a carry!]

The shout from the commentators made the audience excited. The arrow had stunned Lee Sin under the turret for a few seconds and let him take enough damage from the turret-- --

Tong Yao took the chance to cut Lee Sin a few more times.

Then she retreated-- --

Lee Sin eventually died under the turret.

The audience burst into an uproar and applause!

Commentator A: [That arrow was a typical hero’s rescue. To be fair, if it weren’t for that arrow, Smiling wouldn’t have been able to fight Lee Sin.]

“I said I should’ve taken Lulu for this one!”

Tong Yao went back to base, very irritated-- --This was the second time in her professional career to be treated this way. The first time was from Ah Tai. But this time, the opponent knew very well that they weren’t on equal footing with ZGDX in the other two lanes and they still tried to aim only at her-- --

She concluded that they had done this on purpose.

If it were a normal ranked game, any player who had been treated this way probably would go on public chat and diss the other guy.

Tong Yao, however, knew that in a competition like this there were many staff workers who would be recording while they were playing. She couldn’t curse or say anything inappropriate. She had to suppress her anger and keep dragging on with her miserable stats. She watched Lu Shicheng and Old Cat reap the outcome from her sacrifice-- --

Because of Qing Dynasty’s idiotic strategy, they had lost control of their jungle. Their top and bot were cleared out by Old Cat and Lu Sicheng. By the 40th minute of the game, Tong Yao watched her teammates push the enemy’s base while she was looking at a gray screen waiting to be revived. Her stat was a glorious 1 kill, 12 death, and 3 assists.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. 12 death 😂😂😂😂

  2. Bruh even Kun wasn't mental enough to do that to her to get her attention. 😤😤😤😤
