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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 51 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 51 Part 3

Xu Zang’s tall and straight figure from Ye Qiao’s memory was now slightly hunched over as he grew older, but he still walked in a steady and leisurely pace.
He came to a stop in front of Ye Qiao and Zhou Tingsheng with Ye Qiao’s agent and other staff behind.

Xu Zang took a glance at Zhou Tingsheng and bent over to get closer to Ye Qiao: “Why is my Qiaoqiao crying? You didn’t want to see me?”
Ye Qiao opened her mouth to deny it but choked instead. Tears fell down like pearls sliding off a broken necklace. Zhou Tingsheng gently drew the sobbing Ye Qiao against his shoulder, lightly patted her back and spoke with a smile: “She’s just overwhelmed.” Ye Qiao was uneasy being so close to Zhou Tingsheng in front of her father and tried to make some distance between the two, but Zhou Tingsheng firmly clasped onto her shoulder.

Xu Zang straightened up and said with a serious face to Zhou Tingsheng: “Hey, young man!”
Zhou Tingsheng released Ye Qiao and shamelessly laughed. Embarrassed, Ye Qiao turned to face her father with ears now turning red and timidly said: “Dad-- --”
Xu Zang patted her shoulder: “It’s alright. What’s there to be embarrassed about with your own father?”
“Everything I’ve done for you is what I should as a father.”
Ye Qiao’s tears welled up again and she tightly hugged her father: “Dad, I’m sorry……”

Yang City’s summer grew hotter.
In the middle of the summer, the movie <Innocent City> which had been put on hold for half a year finally began showing in theatres to immense box office success. Ye Qiao once again was one of the most recognizable Chinese actors. In the fall, a new movie that Ye Qiao had collaborated with her mentor Lai Zhicheng released at the same time as Gu Jin’s new movie. Gu Jin’s new movie didn’t receive good reviews; it had become much more commercialized than his earlier movies. Many critics were disappointed at his new endeavor, believing he had lost his talent at balancing the artistic touch with market demand.

In the middle of autumn, Xu Zang opened his international tour of his painting exhibitions. Ye Qiao was invited as the special guest at the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony also announced the launch of the Ye Qiao Foundation. The foundation was aimed at helping patients in need of organ transplants, improving the overall environment of organ transplantation in the country, and encouraging organ donations. With Ye Qiao’s popularity, the foundation received a large amount of media exposure from launch. The first successful case sponsored by the foundation was actually Ruan Feiyan.

Ruan Feiyan was a changed person since she regained her sight. She could function normally but had become less talkative. The Zhou family had transferred her to Yang City to finish her senior year in high school so they could better look after her.
The day she returned to class, there were posters all over the school about Xu Zang coming to school for a lecture.
There was another piece of news: Xu Zang had transferred all of his personal assets to Ruan Feiyan who had just turned 18.

To Ruan Feiyan, all of it was meaningless since it couldn’t bring her mother back, nor the days before she became an adult.
Ruan Feiyan sat at the last row inside the lecture hall, looking at the man whom she had deeply hated before. She wanted to cry but there was no tears in her eyes because her tear glands had been damaged.
For the first time in her life, she began to understand her mother.
Her mother had used the last moment of her life to repay the Zhou family for all of their favors and willingly save a life whom she didn’t even know. But she had turned her mother’s goodwill into hatred.

At the end of the lecture, the audience gave Xu Zang thundering applause. He announced his paintings would be auctioned off through Ferra. It was scheduled for December and the preparations were in full swing.
Zhou Tingsheng, the person in charge of the auction, was busy working at Ferra HQ. Even his sister, who had always thought of him as a lazy bum, felt bad for him. But Ye Qiao was there to keep him company late into the night. As the auction’s consultant, she helped him finalize the catalog of all the items for the auction.

Zhou Tingsheng had donated his personal collection <Secret of the Mortal World> as part of the paintings that were being put up for auction.
That painting was the last of Xu Zang’s oil paintings and also the most unique in style among all of his paintings. It was created originally for the birth of his daughter.
Ye Qiao saw <Secret of the Mortal World> again and kept quiet for a long while. Her fingers softly caressed the frame of the painting and she remembered how she had discovered the painting in Zhou Tingsheng’s apartment for the first time.

-- --Sorry…... I live across from you. I went out of the elevator at the wrong door. But your lock seems to have some problems. I don’t know why I can open it with my password.
-- --What’s your password?
-- --679352.
-- --That’s the password to my house.

679352, if entered into a Chinese keypad, it would come out as: You are my pride.
When she was younger, Ye Qiao had a grand yet plain wish. She wanted to let all those who loved her to be proud of her.
As she was growing up, she gradually realized that everyone was born like a piece of white paper and as time moved on, colors would be constantly added to the blank paper as well as stains.
The stains would accompany the person for the rest of her life. Ye Qiao had tried very hard to get the stains off in the past.
But she realized that it was better to turn those stains into something good than to feel guilty for the rest of her life. Ye Qiao was glad that her father’s love had helped her come to terms with those stains.

Translated by Team DHH at